Staying the Course -- 10-17-2016

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I agree with Rosalia and it all is about staying the course once again. If you want the quality of life, including walking your fur kid, see it through and have the tests. Isn't that portal a great thing? I did not have one before starting the process for this surgery and find it extremely helpful. Much luck and keep us in the loop.
rosalia;n869651 said:
Hi Again
Sorry I ended up messaging you - I am new to this forum and navigation is on the learning curve. Anyways, I had an ascending aortic aneurysm repaired with my bicuspid valve, which was afflicted with severe stenosis. They used a dracon graft to repair the aneurysm. I thought the repair was supposed to last until I met my maker, hopefully due to complications of old age, lol. Not sure what to expect. I am coming up to my year anniversary next month on November 16. I feel pretty good! As far as I know there are no aneurysms growing or any problems with the valve. The cardio doesn't see me until January.
Back to the topic of our thread, how is everyone doing with their activity commitments? (and diet I guess)
It was a pleasure to receive a PM from you. Sometimes they replace the aneurysm with dacron and another part (e.g., the aortic root) dilates. There is some evidence that taking Losartan can help. I was taking this and my dilatation went from 4.1 to 3.8. Maybe, just maybe, the Losartan had something to do with it. Unless, it's the dacron graft itself that has 'weakened'; whatever that means.
Thank you Agian - I appreciate the feedback. I guess I will find out more when I see the cardio in Jan

On a happy note, been walking and doing yoga this week... and other then a few chips, my diet has been pretty good. Can't say the summer was all that disciplined! I certainly enjoyed myself, and now I have to work on the consequences, ie. my waistline! I think they want it under 35 inches, and I am afraid to measure at this point. :Face-Embarrassed:

So, I need to eat lentils instead of steak, drink water instead of red wine with the lentils, and forgo the butter tarts. I did eat lots of veggies and fruit, but my oh my, I did enjoy the bbq these past months.

Trying to be good this weekend! Going golfing with the hubby tomorrow and it's supposed to feel like 3 Celcius or 37.4 F (burr) He'll golf in anything. I think I will take my hat and gloves along - maybe shivering burns calories.
