Son's Angiogram Hurt

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Missy Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2001
New Mexico
Several months ago when my son had his angiogram, he complained on the table about the severe pain. When it was over and he was in recovery he told me and his wife that it had really hurt.

He still has problems and he feels something in his heart. Is it possible to have something go wrong or to get cut or anything during a procedure like this?

He was dianosed with cardiomypathy. Later another doctor said no that the testing was done too soon and he thought the best was to take him off the medication and see what happens. He had some problems and the local doctors said it was angina and to go to the VA clinic so that they could send him to cardiologist. The clinic said they didn't agree with taking him off the medication waiting for something to happen. They are doing some lab work tomorrow and antibiotics for sinus infection and put him on a beta blocker.

Having been though my own heart problems, I know that it is hard to describe what it feels like and others do not understand.

His valves appear to be okay on the tests.

He has sleep apnea but the VA has not gotten that far yet.

Does anyone have any ideas about testing that he could ask his doctor about. What sort of testing do they do that they haven't already done to determine what it really is?

He says he just knows that something is wrong and he feels it. This is beyond the SVT that he was first diagnosed as having. He has had a couple of smaller and weaker episodes of that also.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


i am no medical professional, and i am the one always asking questions, but would imagine anything that would give pain should be checked out, maybe they could do a ct scan or something that would show, or a mri. but you guys should try to get it checked out just to be sure. good luck.
alpha 1
Thanks, we are trying but the medical profession is kind of slow and he only has VA insurance and we spent lots of money on non military cardiologists and tests and still don't know much.

Maybe the VA will get something done. At least this clinic doctor has him on medication and he does carry nitro with him.

I guess the lab work is a starting point.
I agree, have it checked out.

He went in without any pain, and came out with pain that is not going away, and feels that something happened and is not right.

Anything can happen. Sounds like it should be checked out and preferably at a facility and with a doctor that is not connected with the first test.
Hi Missy,

Sorry to hear you son is not feeling well. It is worth checking out.

The amount of pain and bruising (looked like my thigh was beat with a bat) after my cath was unusual. Took forever to go away. The doctor was having issues, nurse or assistant knocked over IV pole. Should have been a clue to jump of the table and run! We learn our lessons here, like the school of hard knocks. Thankfully we have each other to bounce things off of!

Keep us posted on your son's progress. Hope you are well. It's been ages since we have chatted!:)
Hi missy

Hi missy

sorry to hear about your son's problems. for sure get things checked out as soon as and as best you can. usually it's nothing, but it's important for drs. to listen to patients. so don't be afraid to speak up! we're here for you if you need us. i'm no doctor, but i read a book called THE HEART SPEAKS and it's wonderful, should be required reading for all drs. bottom line is they should LISTEN to patients.

good luck and god bless.:p
yes, things can happen during this procedure. Happened to my cousin. Can you get a copy of his med records to read for yourself to check it out? I hope you can get an answer to this. Any chance of him seeing another cardio?
Everything I think I know about hypertrophic cardiomyopathy...

Everything I think I know about hypertrophic cardiomyopathy...

Hi Missy -

I'm sorry to read this. I think he, or someone, needs to get all the records from that day and see if anything was documented during the procedure that was irregular. Pronto and discreetly. Until he knows for a certainty that there was no metal or anything left in him, he should avoid any kind of MRI.

Regarding cardiomyopathy, my dad developed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and he and his (VA) heart doctors were worried that I would develop that along with my structural heart defects and he always told me to, "Remember Verapamil," because he believed that med made a major difference and helped him with the progression of that illness. He passed out a lot from the cardiomyopathy but he could eventually usually tell when to stop his activity before a "click" occurred--as he described it--so he could avoid passing out.

[A disclaimer--He eventually was on the max dose possible and I always wondered if it contributed to the esophageal cancer which killed him (seven years ago today :( ) because of the excessive heartburn that developed, the heartburn eventually causing the type of cancer he had. Digressing--sorry--but perhaps something to also look into in regard to that particular med.]

Also, his heart stopped on a treadmill during a stress test once and so, from his experience and some others I have read, I am very leary about that kind of test. It took several progressive paddle jolts to get his heart started again.

Another thing--my dad was trying to get into Baylor for an alcohol ablation procedure that had been nearly perfected by some doctor down there to halt the thickening heart walls, which might be something your son could look in to. The doctor my dad wanted to see had reportedly developed the procedure into a 0% mortality.

I hope this experience was helpful. And I'm sorry if it was too much information.
Thank you all very much.
He is waiting the results of his lab work and says he feels better on the new medication but feels tired which is one of the side effects. But he felt tired anyway.
I agree that we need to find out and now I know that something could happen during a procedure. I will pass this information on and see if he can get records.

I really appreciate all this information.
after i had my ablation i felt pain in my heart and was tired a lot in a way i never experienced.after several tests the doctors kept saying i needed more exercise but that scared me because of the pain i felt.
once i started getting exrcise regularly i began feeling better. i still feel things in my heart but am confident now that it is getting seems the more exercise i get the better i feel.
