Saturday Aug. 10

Valve Replacement Forums

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Dad has been basically just going in and out. Not a whole lot different. He's off all the paralyticals, and he opens his eyes fully, but not for a long period of time. He does respond still...pressures are good and the oxygen maintained a low of 96 and a high of 98...I keep thinking how good that is, but he is still on the trach so I'm hoping to see something better soon.

Hi Steve-

With each of your posts, I can see that there is some progress for your dad. It might be slow, but progress, none the less.

Take care of yourself during this difficult time.

Thank you again for keeping us informed. It's baby steps each day, but moving forward in the right direction.
I know when you're right there that it is hard to see the progress. But, each of your posts indicates your dad is slowly getting better. Getting off the paralytics is great, and I'm betting that in the coming week you'll see a big improvement.

We miss Ross a lot, but we know that his family really misses having him home. Hang in there, Steve, and give your mom and brothers a hug from all of us at

Steve - Good update. Your father seems to be inching himself back to getting better. I hope the hospital and doctors have a plan to get him moving forward faster. They must have their plan. I am looking forward to more good news in the near future.
Hey Steve,

Hang in there. I know three weeks is a ton of time to have your dad in ICU, but I'm hoping the worst is past. Progress may be slow, but he's made some significant steps in the right direction. I'm still praying for him. Thanks for the updates!!
