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I am sorry to report that Andrew, the 21 year-old with CML who was blastic, died yesterday morning. This really hits close to home for me since I have CML and he is the first person I "know" to die of the disease. Please pray for his family, especially his father who has lost his only son.

Take care and thank you,
oh zazzy.... i am soooo sorry to hear about andrew. i'm so sorry for his family too. loss is such an awfully, painful thing. i hope you are ok. are you? i know it's hard when it hits so close to home. please keep your faith. from what i gather, you've had your share and have held up pretty well, considering. please don't give up that faith.
i wish i could find the words to make it better, but i think sometimes there are none.
i will pray for you , andrew's family and extend my deepest condolences to all of you.
please be well. my thoughts are with you.
Thank you Sylvia, Andrew's death really hit close to home for me. It was really strange because another CMLer and I were just talking on email the other day about the end would be like. It is so strange.

Thanks again for your kindness... I appreciate it!

Take care,
Dear Zazzy - I am so sorry to hear of Andrew's death. There really aren't words enough to ease the pain much but for those of us who have suffered the pain of a loved one's passing, we can empathize with you. Sometime down the road, once your grief has lessened, you will be able to look at Andrew and know that your own life has been so much better for knowing him. Aren't we lucky people when we find someone whose passing affects our own lives to such a degree -there are so few in our lifetimes we can say that about. God bless - Hensylee (Ann)