Revatio and Insomnia Anyone?

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2008
Frederick Maryland USA
After my MVR in November I was put on Revatio for my pulmonary hypertension. Since I'm off the pain meds Ive noticed that I wake up exactly 2.5 hours after my last dose of Revatio of the day. I wake up at 12:30am every morning and can't get back to sleep. I read the side effects of the revatio and found out it causes insomnia. Has anyone had this and how do you deal with it.
After my MVR in November I was put on Revatio for my pulmonary hypertension. Since I'm off the pain meds Ive noticed that I wake up exactly 2.5 hours after my last dose of Revatio of the day. I wake up at 12:30am every morning and can't get back to sleep. I read the side effects of the revatio and found out it causes insomnia. Has anyone had this and how do you deal with it.

Actually, I just started on Revatio for my high PH & I seem to be sleeping better!! How do you figure? One thing I have noticed however, is that I'm having more headaches then usual & they feel more like pressure headaches.

Good luck to you & I hope you get over the insomnia soon. Call your doctor & see if they can give you something for it. When I really have trouble sleeping, I'll take a Tylenol & it seems to help.
Thanks. I have those head aches also. They seem to be getting duller and duller as time goes on. I bought my wife a Nitendo DS for Christmas so I do a Soduku puzzle when I wake up and it tires me out enough to go back to sleep.