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oh. I went on that site and remembered reading about these or similar in Consumer Report newsletter and they said don't buy. It won't be much good. According to Joy, guess it's not.:cool:
Hello, Ross, first of all, I did what you said, and it worked. The spybot found 246 problems and fixed them all. Only thing is, my useage is still at 100%. IT's faster, by far. I think those things like Gator and BwL should be against the law. I also had an Xupiter thing there that was a hijacker that kept puttiing it's own IE address in my computer. Anyhow, the spybot worked, and thank you for the advise and for the help!
I think those things like Gator and BwL should be against the law.
We all do, but they blame it on the end user for not reading the entire license agreement before installing it. Gee, don't you just love to read EULA's being that they are so long and usually full of bull anyway. :(
Still Having Trouble

Still Having Trouble

Thanks for all the info. I have tried reinstalling windows over the original program and still things aren't working quite right. I am able to get by day to day, but I have been slowly saving most of my programs, documents etc...onto diskette. What a slow process that can be. Well, it looks like I will be reformatting sometime soon. There are some things I would like to get done on the computer first before I reformat. Thanks again for the help.
Take Care Everyone!
It was worth a shot. It doesn't always work out though. Good luck and if you have any other problems, yell before they get too deep. ;)
Yeah Swill that's one of the things that Spybot checks for and deletes. No one needs something like that on their computer. ;)
I'm Back!!!

I'm Back!!!

Hi Everyone!
Well, I think everything is getting back to normal with my computer. I believe the reformating did the trick. Now I am just setting stuff back up. I was able to get my anti-virus installed correctly after I did the reformat. I want to thank everyone again for help.

Take Care!
Thanks for the SpyBot tip, Rosso! I will check that out. I had "ad-aware" for a couple days, but I wasn't really impressed. Anyone can go in and clean the trash out of their cookies....

Just wanted to suggest Phoenix web browser (free). I downloaded it on Wed and like it so much I set it up at work, too. Features:
Great bookmark management (drag and drop into different folders), customizable tool bar (all your favorites at the top (I have VR there!)), multiple web pages open in different tabs at the top; and (supposedly) better security than Internet Explorer. My favorite feature, however, is that when you come across an ad (banners, flashy stuff, etc) on a web page, you can right-click on it and select BLOCK, and it will never bother you again. Most of these ads come from a few big ad servers, so you'll soon have most of them out of your hair. Results: less annoyance, and faster downloading of web pages.

Just my two cents! Here's the link, give it a try:
