Recovery status

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2006
New Orleans, LA
Where were you in recovery and training at less than 6 months post-op? I am almost 16 weeks post-op and am seeing very slow improvement. I am wondering how my recovery compares to what others have experienced. My endurance is improving; I can "run" 4 to 5 miles indoors at an 11:00 min. pace keeping my HR in the safe zone but I crash and burn outdoors after 1 to 2 miles. I think I have become a hot weather whimp. When I stop outdoors it is usually not because of my heart rate, instead I just don't want to deal with the discomfort.
Was there a point in your recovery that the slow pace of recovery picked up?
Hi there! You know that I don't have any educated advise about running. But I'm only a week ahead of you in recovery, and for me, just last week, things really started to turn around. I think you still need to be patient.

As for the heat.... please stay out of it!! Do you think that maybe the prednisone has had an effect on your tolerance? If it were even possible (having always had a strong measure of heat intolerance) the heat is bothering me more post surgery. I am uncomfortable because I am much puffier than I used to be when I get hot. That makes me tired and cranky, so I just hide out indoors. I never swollen enough for danger, but just personal discomfort.

I'm just figuring this summer is part of the whole journey. Certainly you shouldn't feel defeated at this point. Impatient, I know!! But hang in there. There will probably be a magical moment when all the surgery poison is finally released and the body finds that good old familiar balance. So why don't you forgo the frustration and keep your runs indoors until cooler weather hits and then see where you are.

:) Marguerite

I am just about to hit 6 months. I really did not start feeling better untill the 10-12 week mark. I don't run but I am a walker (before and after surgery) and just really started feeling strong about 5 weeks ago.

It will happen. Hang in there.


Include me in the HWW club. (hot weather wimp). Temps around 80-85 raise my heart rate 10-15 BPM and slow me down about 2 minutes per mile. I'm about to post a race report where heat was again a factor. Give me 55-60 and I'm comfy.:) Please be very careful. Recovery and heat are like two strikes.
Tommy: It is good to know that I am not the only one who is slowed this much by the heat. I need to summon the discipline to keep moving as long as my HR is in a safe range...hard to do.

Marguerite: Patience; not one of my stronger character traits. That coupled with what I now know to be unreasonable expectations make the running recovery a challenge. I expected be be at least a middle of the pack runner by now. It must be the kryptonite?? :)