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Well-known member
May 12, 2004
Toronto, Canada
Hi, friends of mine from Toronto are riding in the Race Across America, it is a tremendous event in which teams cycle non stop from Oceanside to Atlantic City. The majority of the teams raise funds for various charities. One team in particular raises money for kids with heart disease. Thought some of the posters on this site might be interested in following the race, just for fun! It is an amazing thing, you can google Race Across America. As a former cardiac patient I find these events really inspiring, in fact I think I will get on my bike!
doberman said:
Hi, friends of mine from Toronto are riding in the Race Across America, it is a tremendous event in which teams cycle non stop from Oceanside to Atlantic City. The majority of the teams raise funds for various charities. One team in particular raises money for kids with heart disease. Thought some of the posters on this site might be interested in following the race, just for fun! It is an amazing thing, you can google Race Across America. As a former cardiac patient I find these events really inspiring, in fact I think I will get on my bike!
Hi Doberman

Yeah, as a rider I can remember watching coverage of RAAM back in the days when Lon Haldeman was winning it a lot. I seem to recall that the first thing the individual riders would do is get on the bike and ride straight for something insane like 18 hours or more. Then they'd sleep for like an hour and ride for another 12 hours. At one point I think I remember Haldeman hallucinating rather dramatically.

I give your friends a lot of credit. Hope they do well and stay safe

Fast Eddie
mission accomplished!

mission accomplished!

the boys finished in just over 8 days, what makes this event really incredible is that most of the participants ride selflessly to raise money for charities at huge personal expense, my hat is off to all of them it is a beautifull thing.