R.I....nightclub fire

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I don't think we have any members from R.I....My heart goes out to their parents...When my beloved brother-in-law died from an aneurysm (Heart) same age as me.. We were both 50 at the time..His mother said to me, Your children are not suppose to die before their parents...and all these people seemed to look on the camera..so young.......She seemed so happy and healthy..but died within 2 years after her son..Grief?:confused: :confused: :confused: Bonnie
Hi Bonnie,

Yes, this is a terrible situation. Such tragedy. Everywhere I turn, I meet someone who has a friend or relative missing, dead or injured. It is such a small state that everyone knows everyone.

I have been back to work 2 weeks and this is my first exposure to anything really stressful since I have been back. I have had some crisis incidents but this is indescribable.

I did Critical Incident debriefing at the hotel where everything is headquartered today and have a 12 hour shift tomorrow. It looks like the news gets worse and worse. So many families shattered, dazed and in shock.

Got home in time to take my coumadin. At least my level is up from 1.6 to 3.0 this week so I don't have to worry about myself.
I will have to start carrying extra as one never knows what is going to happen. Going to bed early after I wind down a bit. Wonder if stress will affect my level?

Thank you for acknowleding this horrible tradgedy Bonnie.

Later, Donna


It is too soon after your AVR to be taking on too much. Yes, stress, lifting, writing, ect. will make you sore.I am sure there is plenty of other help coming in..Your family needs you too..You take it easy.bonnie
Yes, Donna...

Yes, Donna...

Please be careful for yourself. The stress level is astronomical in a tragedy such as this. Almost unbelieveable to cope with.

I have watched CNN and seen the tape of the actual happening. What a tragedy -- all the young people in there.

Again, take care of your mental self as well as the physical. You're so new to recovery...
Take care of you

Take care of you

Please take care of yourself there are already more than enough casualities from this There doesn't need to be anymore. You can only take so much so soon so please be careful. I'll pray for the families who lost loved ones. Peggy
Before leaving hospital after bypass surgery, they told me to stay away from stress and anger - worst enemies of the heart. Whether you are sick or well.

Bless you for your contribution, Donna. It is very needed, but your just be careful and take some rest time away from it. Many prayers are for those like you and especially with the victims and families. How horrible for them all. God bless
Thank you for your prayers and support.

I have been debriefed and home now. I am on call to respond but doubt they will need me as so many have responded to this crisis now via the Red Cross from all over. I am doing fine and am grateful for your concern.

They are saying RI is 1 1/2 degree of separation instead of six. I think every family in RI has been affected by this tradgedy.

It is so painful to see families so destroyed. They are now arrranging to take families to the site tomorrow and a Memorial Service is being planned.

Thank you for keeping these families in your hearts and prayers.



My eldest daughter went to school in RI, she loved it there and we loved visiting her there, we stayed several time in Warwick 'cause it was closest to the airport.

She still has several friend in RI, and since most colleges don't have classes on friday, we were sure the club was loaded with college students, HOW SAD. All of the friends she was able to contact were OKAY.

Our heart are heavy with this news, and I pray for the families and friends.


My daughter mentioned that she had seen this group in NJ, where she lives now.