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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2005
Would AVR be canceled when you have a slightly blocked nose probably due to a minor cold? I'm feeling OK otherwise.
If they suspect ANY kind of possible infection, your surgery is likely to be cancelled. It really is for your own good. If you can't breathe through your nose, that could be a problem.

If you haven't already told the surgeon about this, do so, and let them make the decision.

Good luck!
If there is any possibility of infection, you will possibly be postponed. They will put you on anti-biotics if they believe it is an infection.
I had a cold a few days before surgery and was on an antiobiodic when I went to Cleveland. Still was semi-congested morning of surgery. It was a minor issue all during pre-op, but surgery was not cancelled. HOWEVER, I was on the vent forever 18-20 hours or so probably because of congestion.
Good luck!
Dustin said:
Would AVR be canceled when you have a slightly blocked nose probably due to a minor cold?

Possibly yes.

But, I'm sure they'll do a battery of tests to determine what exactly is causing the "slightly blocked nose" ... and decide from there. From what I'm told, they did that for me in 1977 ... when my first surgery was postponed (iirc from what I've been told) 2 or 3 times.

Good luck ... thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"Don't look now, things just got worse" ... Dog's Eye View ... 'Everything Falls Apart'
I had an Ear ache...I told the doctor. They had the Ear, nose and throat guy come in and check me out. He took a swab from my ear...put me on drops. I had my surgery the next day. While in ICU the doctor comes in to tell me that I have a Staph infection. Just what you don't want to hear in Recovery! Suddenly I became quarantined...everything changed and everyone had to wear masks and gloves. Not to protect me but to keep from spreading. Mine was a bit of different circumstances as I had the heart blockage and an Aneurism waiting to explode.They put me on IV anti biotics...4 days after my surgery, they put a Pic line in and sent me home. On the 4th day home, the staph infection turned into a Blood infection and I ended up back in the hospital for 8 days....It seems that after all their testing, the Pic line is actually what made things worse. They removed it the first day I arrived back at the hospital and cultured it. Seems like that was when my staph infection turned into Sepsis. Sooo...it may just be a runny nose...but make sure that they make sure there is not something else going on.