Question for the ladies!!!

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Creed3 Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
When I had my surgery I was just finishing up my period. They told me afterwards to expect my hormones to be out of whack for a little bit since the body was shut down for surgery. I was just wondering how long it takes for you to start getting your periods again. I have also noticed that my breasts have started leaking milk again. I just had a baby 8 months ago. I am associating it with what they told me in the hospital about the hormones being out of whack for awhile. Anyone have any comments regarding this?

Thanks & Take Care!
I have never (and will never, unfortunately) given birth or been pregnant. However, after my VR in June I started lactating. A very odd thing to have happen, but from what the gyn said when I called, it isn't that unusual. He told me to call if I was still experiencing it after 3 months. I still get a LITTLE bit, but not nearly like it was, so I've never called.

As for my period, I did the same thing: had it right before the surgery. But I got mine again the following month. So I'm not sure what to tell you on that one. Though I'm sure it is completely related to the surgery if you have not had one yet. I wish I could say when you should start asking questions, but I just don't know on that one. Hope you figure it out soon. Personally, I wish my period would go away and never come back, since I'm not allowed to have kids anyway...
Can't help you on this one either!

I have had a hysterectomy. It is great to be free of those monthly annoyances! The downside to the hysterectomy was a developed a blood clot in my lung. That began my first Coumadin experience. But only for 8 months.

Any major, traumatic event can throw hormones out of wack. ANd heart surgery is major!
I, too, had my period right before my surgery in August. So that means I menstruated in August, skipped September, then had a period in October. So, only missed one month - shucks! That was nice.....too bad it didn't last longer!!!! :p
You guys are lucky...I had my period that ended like the day before my surgery, came again the day after, and again right away after that! There was like 6 weeks of straight bleeding there! It was aweful! Finally it went back to normal...three days of excruciatingly heavy bleeding and then's over. Cramps aren't bad after kids were born, but it's heavy now. All I have to say is...I wish!
Thanks for the all responses. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how things go when my cycle starts up again. I hope I don't have any trouble with the bleeding and the coumadin.

Take Care!
mine was kinda weird.. i was spotting a little bit before surgery.. stress it turned out as i was in the hospital for a week doing tests before surgery... then it stopped several days before then i thought i was starting a few days after surgery.. just spotted.. skipped that month and came a few days early the following.. after about 2 or so months i'm back to normal.. other than being heavier than before VR (coumdadin) things are somewhat back to normal.. had my well woman exam this morning.. praying all is fine there.. have to have a mammogram next week to check on a 'pea size' nodule.. for someone who had a fear of doctors before, the Good Lord is making sure i work thru my fears this year... i have more specialists and planning to see more in january just to rule out certain things and at 35 yrs old no less..

but here is some good news for those of us who may still want to have kids but thought we couldn't because of taking coumadin..

ya'll may know this already, but i was under the impression that since i'm on life long comadin, kids was out of the question for me.. not that i plan too have any, but if the timing is right, i thought i couldn't and was seriously thinking about having my tubes tide.. my GP mentioned to me that it is very possible to go thru a pregnacy if i chose too.. other factors aside, if the only thing standing in the way is taking coumadin, then heperin can be used.. but not in IV as what i thought, they would insert something in your arm so that you don't have to have the IV done so much at the doc's.. you're still considered high risk, but it is still possible without being hospitalized or bed ridden..

just some food for thought..

have a great one..
That is actually good news for Nicole, who is the youngest one on this site. She said she doesn't think she can have kids...that would be good info for her!
My Gyn. told me the same thing the other day. He said that there are alot of women who take coumadin and decide to get pregnant. From my understanding you do have to take heparin while you are pregnant. It is considered a high risk pregnancy. Anyone out there considering it should do alot of research first.

Take Care Everyone!