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I am back from my surgery and want to thank all of you for being so supportive during this difficult time. Tammy, I really appreciate you coming to see me and talking with my family. I think it helped all of us. I had started a thread a couple of weeks back wondering if there was such a thing as the valve being too small and not being able to replace it during surgery. My instincts were pretty close. The surgeon said my valve as well as my aorta have been too small since birth. I was only the third time in his career that he had chosen the wrong size valve to use before the surgery. He had to take a peice of my heart sac and make diamond shapes to enlage my aorta to fit a size 19 valve. He said it does go down to a size 17 but I would not have received any physical benefit after recovery. So with increased blood flow I hope to be a new woman with a lot more energy down the road. I am having a tough run with my INR level it is all over the place. I hope I can get that stable soon as it is pretty scary to go from way high to way low. I would love to write more but I'm getting tired. I will try to write again soon. Thanks again to the founder of vr.com and all of you guys just like me! Love Queenie
Welcome home Lynette

Welcome home Lynette

Glad to see your post. Don't worry too much about your INR..As Al would say, as long as you have someone who knows how the dosage works. Remember it takes 3 days for a change in dosage to show up.. Are you walking around the house? Very important...and taking lots of naps..You will feel better everyday. Bonnie:) :)
Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!

Hey Lynette,

I thought about you this weekend and thought you were probably home safe and sound. Glad to hear all is going well.
I really enjoyed my visit with you and you're family. I could tell you have alot of love and support from your family and that is a blessing. Now get some REST and don't try to rush things.

Take Care,

MVR 04/06/89
Hi Lynette....So glad to hear everything is going well with you! Remember, walk, walk, walk, breathe, breathe, breathe, and nap, nap, nap.....You will be fine, God bless.

Hi Queenie-

Great news. I'm so glad you are done with surgery and on the road to an excellent recovery. Your INR will get straightened out soon. There are so many medication adjustments just after surgery that it does a number on Coumadin management.
Good to Hear

Good to Hear

Hello Queenie, I was happy to read your update and see that you are done with surgery and on the road to recovery. Does sound like you had some unusual aspects, but your surgeon was able to adapt and go.

Your INR will settle down as your diet / exercise / and medications stabilize. Don't chase it too closely. In the very early days I was as high as 5.7 and low as 1.6, but it settled down when the other factors in my life settled down.

Here's my best wishes for a smooth, uneventful recovery.
How are you?

How are you?

It's been a week since you posted. How are you? Walking outside yet? We had some terrible storms here in Ga. Hope S.C. fared better. Bonnie