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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
I have a question for you guys. It's been almost two months since my surgery, and I am still forgetting things...Important things. I live on a military base and need my ID to get home..I've lost THAT 5 timesI forget where I put things in the kitchen, like a soda i might be drinking. I will open it, and two seconds later, I forget about it, and go watch tv. I could make something, and forget where i put IT. It gets rediculous. I was on the machine for three hours, and I don't have to take any meds anymore. My question is, how long does this go on? Thanks!
Might depend on how you were pre-surg plus your age. Us older folks were already that way somewhat, before surgery and I was already used to it. Just gotta try to be more aware. I do the same things you speak of. Have to really work on the rememberer at times and not put something down. I have finally endeavored to put everything back soon as I use it, not lay it down. Use pockets, too, to put things in (like keys) and also have a 'spot' to put things down so if something gets lost, by golly there it is in the 'spot'.I have always lost stuff (my ex-husb & I lost keys all the time and that was an eon ago when very young-many arguments as to who did it) and back then it was called carelessness and the house got cluttered, but today it's just plain old age w/pumphead so I just try to be more diligent to remember. Since I am the oldest member here, my answer may not be pertinent at all so you just gotta wait for others' comments. Hang in there and God bless:D
My 'spot' is just inside my front door where I have to pass it as I come and go. That way I can't lose the 'spot'! When you lose your spot, Janie, I think that is just pitiful!!!!!!:D :D :D
Joy - I didn't notice any change after surgery, but I have had that problem forever. Similar to Hensylee, I just make sure I put things down in the same place, just so I can remember. When I am in a hurry, it is much worse. Sometimes, I will just hesitate when I leave, and try to remember what I am forgetting. I was on the machine for 5 1/2 hours and age 48 and no meds. Hope you get better, but you will be OK in any case. Just try to compensate for your problem.
I was lucky

I was lucky

I guess I was one of the lucky ones..I really was concerned about memory problems going into surgery 4 weeks ago..because of my age..Henslylee..do you have me beat..I'm 70?
I was on pump for about 3 hours..I have had absolutly NO aftyerefects..for that I'm very grateful!! My husband on the otherhand when he had triple bypass 15 years ago had some nasty problems immediatly post op..but they resolved themselves pretty quickly. Everyone is different..but I was majorlly concerned.I guess I'll just have to blame any memory problems I may have on old age:)
Yeah, I'm not allowed to move my ID from it's new "Spot" anymore. I should probably just clean out my car. Kevin seems to live in there though. See now, I never used to be THIS bad, but I was kinda forgetful! Maybe I should make Kevin clean out the car? Hey, at least now I have an excuse!
:D :D :D
you are all so very funny! make me laugh...

i think i've lost my memory as a result of joey's surgery!!! i've got that "throw out the apple and eat the napkin" syndrome. anyone have so's who suffered from this? gotta laugh!!
Hey Joan - well, by golly, you got me beat - I'll be 69 11/13. We're pretty cool old gals, aren't we? After all, we can internet with the best of them!!!!

My SO had a stroke in his mid 50's and before his illness, I noticed he had lost some things. I would mention something that had happened in our past that was significant enough to be remembered and he would argue that it never happened. I finally realized that some brain cells had been lost with the stroke so I would just say to him, you must be right.

God bless
Good to know that someone else has the trouble with apples and napkins. How about milk in the cabinet, dry cereal in the fridge? Or, worse, throw the leftover milk from the glass on the counter, and throw the GLASS in the sink! THAT was a bad one. Its never ending, but usually humorous.
I forget things all the time and it is either being on the heart-lung machine or the after effects of being smacked in the head hundreds of times by nuns as a kid.
I've done that Mindy! Not with milk though! I swear in any given day, I will open 6 cans of soda, put it down, five minutes later, go open another one! Ever driven to "work " when you weren't on your way to work? Done that. you guys crack me up! I've actually left the keys to my car on the passanger seat went into the store, came back out, and when I went to start the car, the keys weren't in my pocket. Boy, I'm glad nobody stole the car!
I am always forgetting things. And I have noticed that my spelling is terrible now. I can't spell. I leave letters out of words, or leave entire words out of sentences. This is not good for a lawyer!
My boss is most distressed. As am I.

I really need to sit and concentrate to write things.

But, my reading is much better. I can concentrate on reading long cases. and have even been reading novels!

Still....it is very frustrating. I don't like it.

don't worry mara, we'll all regain our memories! I went on an interview and forgot the word inventory! It ws embarrassing...yet the lady reminded me of the word I was looking for. She kept looking at me funny... like I was on drugs!Oh well...it's her loss:D
Im with you, girlfriend!! How about this..... I was on the phone and walked out of my office. Locked the outside door to the building and walked to my car. Started to get in, when I realized I was on the OFFICE PHONE, not my CELL PHONE!! ACK! I have a portable at the office, and it was working outside the building!
I looked around to see if anyone noticed. I think I pulled it off.
Good one Mindy. Next time try sneaking out with a fax machine. you must have looked as if you knew what you were doing, no one stopped you!
Hey mara, remember when I said that I was on an interview? Well, I got the job anyways! Funny funny.

Mindy, what did you do when you figured out you were on your office phone? I 've never done that, but have you ever made dinner and forgotten about it? IN THE OVEN? We ate out that night!
hahahaha, I can honestly say I have never forgotten that I had fixed dinner! THAT is a good one. I did nearly back through the garage door yesterday, does that count?? Thank goodness you didnt go to bed and forget the food in the oven or something. I always try to think "it could be worse".


OH My Goodness Yes it was terrible for me too. i was always a bit Edith Bunkerish but I totally had no focus for several months after Surgery. I still go through spells. I just realized the other day I lost my kids savings bonds from when they were born... THEY WEREN"T IN THERE SPOT! I am still searching and in a frantic moad. So See it comes and goes. take care

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