Pumpheaded, or just a major brain fart?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

I've been busier than a three-legged cat (a favorite expression one of my former teachers used) lately. My mom's surgery is tomorrow, and so today after work, I stopped by to visit with her. (Her cardio appt. went well--her heart's in great shape, but she is now an "official" patient of my cardio's, and will be seeing Dr. V for regular check-ups.)

Anyway, when I left my parents' house, I didn't drive home--but instead to my work six miles away! :eek: As soon as I pulled into the gym parking lot, I wondered, "What the heck am I doing here?" I called my husband, who told me to call my doctor. But, with Mike, if I breathe the "wrong" way, it's grounds for calling the cardio.

Was this (ten and a half months post-op) pumpheadedness or just a huge brain fart? I don't remember much of the drive to school, only that I ended up there. And should I call Dr. V?

And, by the way, a couple other things I wanted to share that I thought were pretty interesting:
1) Blue Cross sent me my first "Living With Heart Disease" newsletter. Great advice, and I know they mean well, but ever since that femoral arterial angioplasty, BC has been on me to "improve my heart health." I didn't have that kind of angioplasty!
2) My mom went in for her pre-op yesterday, and the nurse told her that if the pancreas is too compromised by the cancer, the surgeon will remove the entire pancreas and then put my mom on medication to help her body do the work for the missing organ.

Thanks for your replies!
Debi (debster913)
I've never had OHS, but I have got in the car and put it on "autopilot" and started driving to work instead of where I wanted to go. I have never made it all the way to work in these instances, but I have made it a few miles out of my way before I "woke up" and realized what I was doing. I'm only 41 so I can't even blame it on a "senior moment" or pump head!
Debi, its probably just the worry of your mom's surgery. Im alittle worried about Curtis at the moment, i havn't done anything that extreme but i do keep forgeting lots of little things all the time. best of luck to your mom and i hope everything goes well. Paula
Curtsmum said:
Debi, its probably just the worry of your mom's surgery. Im alittle worried about Curtis at the moment, i havn't done anything that extreme but i do keep forgeting lots of little things all the time. best of luck to your mom and i hope everything goes well. Paula

Yes, being preoccupied can cause this. I heard an interesting Dr on the radio and it was about micro-sleep do to sleep deprivation. If you are/were tired and sinse you don't remember the entire drive you might have been micro-napping. I walk into rooms all the time and wonder why the heck I am there:eek: . At 51 I don't think it is age and I have had an increase of this type of stuff sinse surgery.

I'm sure all is well. Get rested up if need be and see if that helps.

Debi, it's just called "having too much on your plate at once" and I'm sure it's happened to a lot of us- even those who have not undergone heart surgery. Prayers going out that all goes well with your Mom today- you both will be in our thoughts and prayers!
I think it might just be the condition commonly referred to as "stress" :p

Seriously, though, that happens to me when there's a TON on my mind and having a mother undergoing medical issues is right up there.

It'll probably disappear after your mother's successful surgery.

Wishing you both all the best,


I agree with the others..10 1/2 months post-0p..maybe?(pumpheaded).....I still miss my turns sometimes when I am driving and daydreaming..In a larger town....why I have always been one to be surprised to see someone driving so soon after OHS.:eek: Like before 6 weeks....I was afraid I would hit another car with kids in it.:( ...Best to your Mom..Bonnie
Just yesterday I was going to the post office while I was thinking about other things. Before I knew it I was several blocks past the turn! I was in a hurry and had lots on my mind, unfortunately where I was going is the one that slipped!:confused:
Debbie I do stuff like that all the time!
Praying for your mom... and I didn't know one could live without a pancreas. ;that is good to know!
I think you probably have too many things on your mind - especially worrying about your mother. I hope everything comes out ok for your mother and things slow down for you.