pump pump pump Potsie?

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2004
Phila PA
OK, this is driving me nutty everytime I hear it. The first time I heard that commercial where they sing pumppumppumppumppumppumppumppumppumppump the process begins in the right atrium where the co2 blood enters the heart...you know the one. I thought it sounded familiar. Then it popped into my head that it's from a Happy Days episode where Potsie had to learn the circulatory system and he made up the song. I asked a friend of mine who is a Happy Days/Brady Bunch expert and he remembered a similar episode but not that one.

Does anyone else remember this? I can picture him standing there with a diagram on an easel, pointing at it with a pointer while he sang.

Really if someone can't tell me I'm going to have to write to the Fonz himself.
Yep...It was a Happy Days episode. That clip was aired last week on the "30th Anniversary" show.


:D I saw it on the anniversary show, too. I never realized that the song had such a history. I remember the episode after seeing the clip. I think I have seen every Happy Days episode made. I love tvland and nick at night. Those shows are still great all these years later.

Well that puts my mind at rest. THANK YOU. That's what I get for only watching the first half of the reunion show. I switched to something else right after the softball reunion. I KNEW IT. It hit me when I was in the hospital recovering from my appendectomy and the commercial came on and I started laughing out loud. They probably thought it was the drugs but that Potsy could always make me laugh. He truly was a DREN, not a NERD.
I did not remember that episode,

I did not remember that episode,

but the first time I heard that commercial, I knew it was Anson Williams. He has a very distinct singing voice. However, I too saw the episode on the 30th anniversary show.

Now, the thing that bothers me is...I've only seen the ad once since the reunion show was on....and that time, it was NOT "Potsy", it was an entirely different voice singing the familiar tune. What's up with that??
BOO to the new commercial

BOO to the new commercial

I have also seen the new version of that commercial. It just doesn't have the same appeal now! The version with Anson was much livlier and fun. Maybe since the Happy Days reunion too many people recoginized the song in the commercial. I vote for the old version to return.