Proudly wore my t-shirt..

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to my echo today. First echo after being told surgery was a probability instead of a possability. The nurse said all numbers were fairly carbon copy of last echo. Said one number was better than last one! Atleast it was not worse. It felt very nice to have my new t-shirt to wear.. to "show it off". I go next Tuesday for my appt. time and get my numbers. I do not post often, but I check in everyday to see how all of you are! Take Care!!!!! :D
Wear it proudly and let no one take it away from you! hehe

We need you to post more often. How do we accomplish this? :)

I proudly and thankfully wear my sweatshirt evrytime I go to the cardios office. First I enjoy the questions I get when nurses or patients ask me about it. I answer their questions and encourage them to find out site. Second it's the warmest sweatshirt I own. Perry did good, wherever he got them from, because it is heavyduty. With our temperatures hovering around zero and I believe Thursday we're suppose to have a high of 9 degrees. I feel great and warm when I put it on when I get home from work at night!

Don't worry Ross, I won't let anyone take mine away from me either!:D
I haven't worn my T-shirt in several months. It's hard to wear it when here in Michigan we can hear our breath freeze. But spring is almost here.