Preholiday update

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Randy & Robyn

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2005
Hi all,

Just thought I would let you know how things are going. Not alot has changed. Brucellosis is still the suspected culprit for my endocarditis but not confirmed. The first test from Quest labs and a repeat came back positive. A culture sent to Mayo came back negative. My infectious diseases doctor tells me we won't know for certain until we have a tissue sample taken during the surgery.

We leave on Wednesday for Robyn's parents and look forward to a great holiday. I'm still feeling well for the most part. The PICC line was removed a week ago. But they added Rifampin to my antibiotic regimen which is taking a toll on my gut. Intermittent diarrhea and some bouts of nausea but nothing I can't tolerate so far.

We are working out some insurance issues but it looks like I will be going to Cleveland. I have already talked with Dr. Gosta Pettersson who specializes in endocarditis and resurgery. I have great trust that he will finally get me fixed up right. I know I can't do any better than him. There is even a possibility that I can still get a mechanical valve if the infection is healed. Otherwise it will be a homograft.

Surgery will be early to mid January. We will probably be staying in Cleveland for a few days after I get out of the hospital and we have every intention of paying Ross a little visit if I'm up to it and I'm invited.

I'll let you guys know when a date is set.

Merry Christmas to you all,
Randy & Robyn
I hope your intestines hold up against the Rifampin. Food is such a big part of the holidays.

If it is brucellosis, hospital personnel were the likeliest source of the infection. I hope the hospital is looking into that.

I wish for you both a happy and warm Christmas and a relaxing New Year's holiday.

Very best wishes,
Don't know what shape you'll be in on release, but even the 65 miles drive from Cleveland to here took a toll on me. I don't know that I would advise it, but your certainly more then welcome should you choose to be a little insane. :)
Hey Randy,

Dr. Pettersson was one of the docs I was considering for my surgery -- I decided to stay closer to home, but he seems like a great guy and a very capable surgeon. I agree that you can't get much better than him! Apparently, Cleveland brought him in to teach other surgeons how to do certain types of reops.

Randy, thanks so much for the update, you and Robin have been on my mind and in my prayers. Stay positive! Enjoy the holidays. If the antibiotics continue to rip you up, see if they can't give you some anti-nausia treatment.
Dear Randy,
So glad to hear that you are going to one of the best and have such great confidence in him- that's half the battle! Enjoy the holidays and we will be waiting to hear about your surgery date in January.
Thinking of You

Thinking of You

Randy, This has been a bad trip for you so far! I really hope things turn around! I admire the way you are handling the situation, getting all the facts and keeping your focus on them. I will be thinking of you. Brian
Hey Randy

Hey Randy

Thanks for checking in. Wishing you all the best with the holidays! Glad to hear you have made progess in Cleveland, and that you have one of the best to handle your next surgery. I am with Bob in saying that I hope the hospital is going to track down where this bug came from!

Take care, and keep us posted on how you and Robyn are doing and when you find out more about your surgery.

Ann and Nathan
In my prayers!

In my prayers!

I wish you the best. Hope you feel better very soon!! God Bless!

You are in my prayers!
Randy glad to hear the surgery is getting set. I will be praying that you do real well and that your recovery goes much better.:)