Pregnancy Poll Please!

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As many of you know my wife Willow went through two pregnancy's with a mechanical valve. I've notice that others on this board have done similar. I am very curious who has attempted this and the end results. Perhaps this would make a good post for women considering pregnancy.

Pregnancy 1: St. Jude Mechanical Valve- Mitral
Medication: Lovenox (without same day factor X's)
Result: Clot on valve at 28 weeks.

Pregnancy 2: St. Jude Mechanical Valve- Mitral
Medication: Lovenox (first trimester)
Coumadin (Second trimester)
IV Heprin (End of Second trimester)
Result: Clot on valve at 30 weeks.

Both times Willow survived but it was scary. Thank goodness for the miracle of God. I should mention that neither child has birth defects. Also, Willow was very closely monitored doing blood work on a weekly basis the entire pregnancy. She clotted in the hospital under the watch of several doctors with several test done weekly. Echo's were even done two days prior to the valve clotting.

I hope this will help those considering doing this. Hopefully we can get others to respond regarding their experience. Both positive and negative results are very beneficial to those considering or experiencing such pregnancy's.
We can see if anyone responds. Fact is, it's so rare that anyone has tried it, that from 2001 until today, I can only think of 3 others that have been here.
My wife and I have been contacted by more then one woman on this website that is trying to get pregnant. When we decided to go through with our pregnancy's no one could talk us out of it. We won't test fate again but someone else will. Most doctors don't have a clue as to the best way of doing this because there really is no safe way. But there are safer approaches. And if they are anything like we were they will do it no matter what we say.

Perhaps an evaluation of who has tried and what their conditions are could help others make a more informed decision before taking the leap. For instance those with Aortic valves have a much better chance of not clotting then Mitral Valve patients due to the size of the valve. I would be very interested if anyone else with a mitral valve has gone through pregnancy with or without clotting versus those with Aoritc valves.

i have thought about testing the pregnancy factor, however, after reading about the increase risks, i decided that it was not worth it for me. i am glad everything turned out well for your family.

i hope to one day adopt a little one or have a surrogate parent if my husband and i decide to have another baby. we were blessed before my surgery with a girl who is now three and i am soo glad.
I posted my experience in a thread titled "Pregnancy and Valves-
Women Please Read" in the Heart Talk Forum.
I'm kinda on the fence myself in regards to this subject, but I
am too biased to make any sort of logical decision, as I believe
many women would naturally be. And this is why there should
be more definitive information for those trying to make this very
difficult decision.
Thanks for doing that,
I had an aortic valve replacement in 2004 with a human valve. I have had 2 pregnancies since then. One in 2005 and the other in 2007. Both ended in a healthy baby, with no complications for me. The cardiologist deemed me "low risk" I had no problems and did not need any meds except abx before and after delivery as a precaution. I know I don't have a mechanical valve, but thought I would put my experience out there also. I purposely chose a human tissue valve so we could continue to add to our family. I got the go ahead from my cardiologist yesterday to have another baby if we choose.