Pounding heart on right side.

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I'm wondering if anyone else is having the same problem I have when ever I lay on my right side. Especially when I try to sleep. Even after I have fallen asleep and have turned over on my right side it will wake me up it's so loud. It feels like my whole chest is pounding, when I asked my Cardio. you'll get used to it. But it's been 6 mo. and it's no better. Sometimes I get up and have to take some excedrine p.m.s just to get back to sleep. Oh well thought maybe someone out there is having the same problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks to all. Syl:( ;) ;) ;)
Basketball game

Basketball game

Hi sylgeren,

I believe what you are experiencing is a "bounding pulse." Do a www.google.com search with this text and you will find numerous links to the subject.

I have decsribed symptoms to my docs that I feel like a basketball game is going on in my chest. They don't respond much other than to tell me to get used to it. One doc said it is the forceful way my prosthetic valves are opening and closing. Sylvia, I'm surprised that you experiencing this with a bovine valve. It was driving me nuts for awhile, but I've slowly been able to ignore it. I guess it's a good sign that the substitute valves are working, albeit a little noisier than the originals.

I sometimes have more trouble sleeping on right side than left so I just roll over a couple hundred times a night.

Question: Do you drink coffee or caffeinated soda? I reluctantly quit and it has helped lessen the symptoms. Magnesium supplements also seem to assist.

Hope this helps a bit.

Sleeping on right side

Sleeping on right side

Thanks for the input. I'll try the Magns. I've heard of that before, will let you know what happens. Guess like you said, takes time. Sylvia G.
Same problem - different side

Same problem - different side

Hi Sylvia,
I have the same type of a problem only on my left side. What I've tried is starting out lying on my back and just relax doing deep breathing for a few minutes (You know, count to 5 while inhaling, count to 4 holding you breath then exhale counting to 5). That seems to help with any palpatations. After a few minutes of that I just flip on to the side that doesn't cause pounding (Right Side) and I can go to sleep. If I have to move around while sleeping, it doesn't seem to pound when and if I turn on my left side.
Sleep Tight,
Sleep aids

Sleep aids

Tylenol P.M. helps me..but have to take it early..Later, I'm drowsy in a.m...but while I was at my home in Alabama..I slept in guest bedroom..Mama had a tall fan on a stand. I turned it on and the humming drowned out the ticking. Fixed me one when I got home to Ga. Still helps. Best not to let it blow on you, tho.

Re: Pain on right side

I could HEAR and FEEL some motion on my right side and right back for several weeks following my surgery. My Cardiologist finally suggested that it was the walls of my chest moving against each other, caused by irritation from the chest tube.

Another possibility is a cracked rib (or two...) from when they spread your chest open. I would think this would show up in an X-Ray.

Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium Supplements

Perry..How do Magnesium supplements help..with what symptoms..See it posted a lot..Sleeping or pounding of heart. Only hear mine when I wake up early to a quiet house. Bonnie