Posting for Marky

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Marky called and asked me to post an update for her. Her computer was fried by lightning and she has no idea when she will be able to get another one. For now I will keep you all posted for her.
She a slight fiasco running between hospitals Friday morning. First to Baltimore and then to Hersey, Pa where she was admitted. Her symptoms of pericardial effusion had returned. She had the effusion drained under sedation. She remained in the hospital with a drain in place to continue to drain any remaining fluid. On admission she had a moderate effusion. They took 750 cc fluid off and only 20cc more drained in the next few days.
She went home yesterday. She said her appetite is great. She feels much better but still some irritation when she takes a deep breath. The drainage tube aggravated her lung apparently.
She is thrilled to be back home with her husband and children. Goes back next Wed for a repeat ECHO to eval for increased effusion again. The doctor told her it was very unlikely it would recur. She actually sounded great on the phone.
She has really been through a lot, as have many other people on this site. Preparing for the surgery is hard enough but some people take a little longer than others to get straightened out after the surgery. I know you all will be thinking of her and keeping her in your prayers.
Thanks, Joanne
Please tell Marky I'm glad she's feeling better. Thanks for updating us.
Thanks for the update and send her our best wishes when you speak to her.
Best Wishes for Marky

Best Wishes for Marky

Thank you for the update on Marky. So sorry to hear about her complications. Our prayers are with her.
Sending her warm wishes, lightning killed one of my comps as well, hope she is up and online soon.