Post Op question

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New member
Aug 30, 2012
Bethesda, MD
Hi group. I intended to have a Ross procedure on SEPT. 10th and the surgeon found my pulmonary valve unsuitable for the procedure so I had a bovine bio prosthetic valve inserted and an aneurism repaired on the aorta as well.
I was/am a well conditioned 46 yr. old athlete and am around 3 weeks post op. My only major complaint is that I get dizzy very easily when I rise from a seated or laying down position. Is this normal? Did anyone else feel this? If so, how soon do you feel "normal."

I felt that way. Are you still on a diuretic (Lasix/furosemide)? Once I was able to get off that med, I got MUCH better. Also make sure you are drinking enough. Hope you get past this soon...It was tough for me to get comfortable walking until I got the dizzy spells under control.
Anemia can also cause one to feel that way. Might you be anemic? When in doubt check it out. In the meantime, get up slowly and sit a bit before you arise.
Some drugs I was on had a similar effect. All went away as I reduced, got rid off drugs and upped my physical activity.