POPR Post Op Personal Record

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2006
Clay, NY
Beautiful day for a run in Syracuse....48 degrees no wind, hazy sun. 3 miles in 32:30. First day running without Toprol XL (last 75 mg. yesterday). I felt better, got the HR up more, but maybe it was just all mental!:) NOw i have a new saying, "post op p.r."!;)
Not too shabby there Tom. You'll be the speedy bullet we will all be chasing in Akron. Congratulations, things do improve, but then like before, we still have those not-so-great runs. I like the 'post op PR' saying. I think I'll use it too since all my other PRs are many years behind me, even the new age category ones are long gone.


That was my thinking...what better than a "POPR" (popper) post op p.r.! A whole new set of records opens up before us...and you know runners and our records!:)

Awesome! You make me want to dust off my running shoes (and they are pretty dusty!). Keep up the great work.....what an inspiration.

That's what I look forward to!

That's what I look forward to!

New here and getting a lot of great info!

I am missing the Indy 500 Festival Mini Marathon this year because of my schedule AVR on 4/20. I am hoping to run it with my daughter again next year and run circles around her! JK! I will never run as fast as she does. 8:30 minute mile.....not me! I'll just be glad to be able to do it again!