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Your jagged line visual disturbances right before your yearly physical and also the reunion - I am no doctor, but it sounds like stress to me. :(

As someone else stated, these visual disturbances can also be caused by constricting and dilating blood vessels. I know migraines are brought on by stress (amongst other factors) and yes, people who have migraines can be more prone to having strokes (even people with healthy hearts who have migraines).

I guess, Sherry, I am just being optimistic and hoping that your problem was not a TIA. I just do not think it was, but again, I am no doctor.

I had about two episodes a year of ocular migraines up to four years BEFORE my surgery and was tested then for MS, etc., and finally an ophthalmologist told me she has the exact same symptoms and it is ocular migraines.

Right after surgery, I had probably 6-8 episodes in the first eight months and then maybe one a month for 4-5 more months. Now I have them about once every two months if even that. This morning's was very mild - I had it right when I woke up. My mother used to wake up in the mornings with full-blown migraines quite often from a very stressful job she had in her later years. I would rather stick with the ocular migraines, thank you very much!

Again, just hope you get the Plavix thing worked out and get rid of those nasty, unsightly bruises and can get rid of the worry.

Have a fun Halloween with your kids and get your mind off of things!

Christina L
Kathleen said:
coughed so hard I did cough up blood so I do think the veins can pop anyplace in the body.
Sherry does this sound familiar???? Remember what I told you?
Yea, Ross, I do. I'm seeing him for a followup in a week and a half. I'll discuss maybe going the aspirin route instead. The bruising is ridiculous. Thanks all for the responses.
Sherry - I used Plavix for awhile when I was first diagnosed and was having visual distrubances. It is widely prescribed in the south central portion of Indiana. (they must have a good sales rep) When I moved my treatment south to our mutual doc, I was taken off Plavix and put on coumadin, and I put myself on 81mg aspirin at the same time. In short, I have never been on both at the same time which sounds like the source of the problem. See what our mutual doc says. Hope this helps, Chris
I told Sherry that when I was on all three, I was coughing up blood, had bouts of exploding diarrhea. You combine those two and get a third reaction known as panic attacks!