Plavix information

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2008
How often do they tests ones blood when they are taking Plavix and 2 aspirin? I have been on it 3 months.
Ross - Plavix

Ross - Plavix

Ross - I am not sure I understand about testing Plavix. I think you said they do not doing any testing for Plavix. You also wrote "test free". I am not sure what you mean.
It looks like I am not posting correctly. Can you give me some advice about what I am doing wrong?
I live in UK and they dont test me for Plavix, i have been on it over 2 years now, i do have blood tests every 6 months but thats to check other meds are doing their job. But i know USA works a lot different to what happens over here.
Hope this helps
Take Care
There is no testing for Plavix effectivness such as there is with Coumadin or Heparin. It's more like an aspirin. It works on plateletts differently than other drugs do.