Pericardium window??????

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Alan is being transfered now. The surgeon will do a pericardium window (internal drain). They don't want to remaining fluid to remain because it could calcify and interfere with the function of the heart. The proceedure will be done either tomorrow or the following soon as the heperin kicks in to make the blood thick enough to safely do this proceedure. Has anyone had this proceedure?
HI Amy-

I'm sure you're very upset at this prospect, but it will help your husband. I answered your other 2 posts to tell you that our member csutherland's husband had this procedure done recently. You could send her a private message. Just look her name up in the member's list.

Best wishes to you and your husband.
Hi Amy,

Yes, I have had this procedure and it saved my life. Everything thing will be ok. It sounds more serious that it actually is. They enter under the breast bone instead of opening up full chest again.

I felt wonderful immediately following surgery. The tamponade had me in severe CHF. My oxygen level was extreamly low. Was very pale, and actually a bit blue in color. Was transferred out of CICU the following AM.

My window was an emergency as the INR had traveled upward to 14. No mistake in that number. I really should not have recovered they say. This was due to the fact that the high INR caused alot of internal bleeding. I was fully transfused with fresh frozen plazma. Fortunately, this is not the case with your husband.

They think that my Coumadin llevel caused the tamponade. I was being monitored closely, but not close enough as when I was at a 4.0. They left my dosage alone and did not decrease.Fresh surgical site and a higher than normal INR probably attributed to my Tamponade.

If I can help any further, just ask.
God bless.
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Hi Amy

Hi Amy

Please tell Alan that we wish only the best for him and that he will continue to be in our prayers. You two have certainly been through quite a bit, and while heart surgery is never ever easy, yours has certainly had more than it's share of bumps.

Please know that you are both in our thoughts and we do check this medium often to see how you are doing. Thanks for keeping us updated, and hoping that soon Alan is WELL on his way to recovery.



Hi Amy,
I am so sorry Alan had this setback. But as Gina said it is not as bad as it sounds and relief comes quickly. Hopefully after it's done all will progress the way it is supposed to.

Take care of yourself.
Hi Amy:

Signed on first thing, hoping to see an update on your husband....that he has had the window done, and everything is AOK.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Hi Amy!
I had the same thing happen 2 weeks after surgery - high INR, could't walk and could barely breathe. Went straight from Cardio's office to hospital. Was given fresh frozen plasma also and tube under the breast bone. As soon as the fluid was drained off I felt like a new person. The surgeon that performed the procedure said someone wasn't monitoring my INR levels very closely! First I Had heard that. Anyhow, things will go fine and a full recovery should be forthcoming. Hang in there!