pericarditis? Anyone had it?

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2008
Baltimore MD
I'm feeling off, I have an appointment on wed with my cardio. I had a low grade fever, my valve just does not sound right, slight chest pain, sore muscles, and I can feel my heart thumping. Its like it is hitting harder than it should.
Has anyone else had it? Nope, your the first. :p

I'm just kidding of course. Quite a few of us have had it. Your doing the right thing, get seen asap.
Yes, it's pretty common, even though the doctors say it's rare. Generally the medicine that they give you will make it go away. Some people have had to have the fluid drained. In my case, it is recurrent, although never as bad as the first episodes and occurring only about once a year now. You are right to take care of it quickly and it shouldn't get bad.
Thanks for the replies! This, of course, is my diagnosis. Hopefully my cardio agrees. Would exercise agravate it? Or should I take it easy until it passes.
If you have it, exercise could be difficult, although I'm not sure it would aggravate the pericarditis, except it could cause more fluid buildup. Your heart will have a difficult time pumping and you will have shortness of breath. I had SOB just walking 100 feet or so and stairs about did me in.
Hmmmmm, I get a little out of breath going up stairs. But it comes and goes. Its mostly really uncomfortable. Also, and I know I'm a data geek, my bp goes up and my heart rate goes down when I sit. I stand up, heart rate goes up BP goes down. The difference is about 10 beats per minute,72 standing vs 60 sitting, and from 122/72 standing vs 137/90 sitting approx.