PegB's surgery

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Will be this coming Monday at Cleveland Clinic...I wanted to start an early thread, due to the weekend...Peg, I wish the best for you and you get the repair.:) ..You have been a very active member just being on this forum for 2 months.69 posts..:) ..I am sure you will do great..and recovery well for your move to S.C. next year...Bonnie
Peg, we will be thinking of you next week as you 'go forth' toward the mountain. Watch out for the Mack truck. Don't sneeze for the next 4-5 months. We know you will do just fine. Prayers and GODSPEED!
I also wish you all the best, Peg. I agree about not sneezing :D !!! Sneezing is the worst! Despite that, if you don't sneeze, cough or laugh or suddenly change positions, it truly doesn't hurt that much. It's just sore. I was told I could take Tylenol, but I never took it.

Like you, I was terrified of catching a cold (or whatever) before the surgery! So keep washing your hands!
Best wishes to you

Best wishes to you

:) I wish you the best of luck and may all of lifes forces be with you! :p ;)
Hey Peg, I wish you the best of luck and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers! Take time to enjoy the weekend and the great Fall days and all the colors outside cause your world is fixing to be very white! ;) Have the hubby stand guard at the hospital room door on hand washing, gloves, hand sanitizer etc!! :D

We are all pulling for you and wish you the best for an easy surgery and recovery.
