Palpitations on Toprol...

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

OK, so the latest chapter in my PVC adventures is this: I've been on Toprol for five days now, and a couple times a day I'm having VTach. Perhaps it's the fact that I've changed meds so much the past month that my heart is going "WTF??", but it's still annoying. I see the EP doc on the 25th...but has anyone else experienced "weird" palpitations on a beta-blocker? :confused:
Since October, I've been on:
1) Betapace (from Nov. 2006 'til a month ago)
2) Rythmol
3) Verapamil
4) Currently--Toprol

Sounds like a shopping list, huh? :eek:

The Betapace didn't do much to control the PVCs, the Rythmol made me super constipated and made me have weird palps where I felt like I was going to pass out, the Verapamil slowed me down and made me very tired and I fainted (at home, thankfully!), and now this with the Toprol. I feel like a lab rat. :rolleyes:
you and kfay are definitely having some issues getting your palpitations under control. I really have no idea what I would do in either circumstance other than see an excellent electrophysiologist.

Seems like you tolerated betapace well until a month ago, why not switch back to it until your EP appointment? Just thinking out loud...
I wish more research could be done on fixing arrhythmia. seems like they bounce you from pill to pill, shock your heart, or ablate. and none of these are guaranteed to work. i hope you find some relief soon.
I wish more research could be done on fixing arrhythmia. seems like they bounce you from pill to pill, shock your heart, or ablate. and none of these are guaranteed to work. i hope you find some relief soon.

Thanks, Ryen--me too!

My cardio is all freaked about me having an ablation because he says it can be fatal (perforating the heart during the procedure), but it seems all these meds have little or no effect on my arrythmia. I can go off them completely, but then I'm a PVC mess and full of VTach, I can be on the meds and feel sightly better, I can have an EP study, and run the large risk of nothing working. What else is there? As my mom used to say, "Can't win for losing." Sigh. :mad: