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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2005
Staffordshire, England
Hi Guys,
Well I'm thinking about packing. Any suggestions on what you found useful, or what is a waste of packing space.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Something for your lips, they will become very dry so Vaseline or a lip salve will be needed.
Body lotion, for dry skin.
Cotton nighties.
Dressing gown.
Squashes and perhaps other drinks.
Note cards and stamps.
They will provide towels but you might want some flannels.

I suggest you contact the ward and ask them if flowers are permitted, more and more hospitals are banning them so if your hospital does you can warn people not to send you any.

Also check with them to find out if they will be expecting you to dress after a few days, I needed skirts and tops (no bras!) as I was expected to go for walks around the hospital grounds after a few days.

I was wondering about bras. Being a large busted woman, I was wondering if we could wear bras while in the hospital. Someone told me to get a larger size bra that zips up the front... any suggestions?
Sharlo said:
I was wondering about bras. Being a large busted woman, I was wondering if we could wear bras while in the hospital. Someone told me to get a larger size bra that zips up the front... any suggestions?

I'm NOT large busted woman yet the surgical NP insisted that I wear a surgical bra while I was in the hospital. I guess it takes pressure of the breasts pulling on the incision???
anyhoo--the surgical bra was a front closing bra, not tight at all around the ribs but enough to support the breasts. You could get any front closing bra, even a "sleep bra" at walmart or Target (I think I bought one a Walmart after I got out of the hospital). You don't want to spend much money on it because if your incision is oozing and the bra gets dirty, it's hard to get all the stains out. My site where they took my central line out decided to bleed one night while I was sleeping--not very much but enough that seeing it sure woke me up when I got up to go potty in the middle of the night, and I had to change my PJ's and put a new dressing on it. That bra (fortunately a surgical bra and not one of mine) has never really come clean.
Wow Sue! The hospital provided me with most of the stuff on your list, namely shampoo, slippers, tissues, and drinks. I only had the following two items:

Neck support pillow!

I can't recommend the pillow enough. The ones the hospital had just didn't seem to support my neck very well. In fact, most of my pain the first night after surgery was because I couldn't get my neck comfortable. My fiance found me a pillow the next day, and I was fine.
I took clementines (tangerines) - they may restrict your fluid intake and they'll let you eat these. And I was always thirsty.

I ditto the pillow; and several cases, as you will be sweating out chemicals and your pillowcase will need replacing.

Dry shampoo in case they don't let your shower.
Good Luck with your upcoming surgery. The others have given you good suggestions. I brought a personal CD player and my favorite CD's. It was comforting for me and help keep me upbeat.

Kathy H.
leisure/sleep bra is the thing. (if you can't find one, go to google and type it in). You wont use much stuff you take if you take a lot. You'll be sleeping, walking and resting. You will probably wear their robes/gowns so they can get to your incision. I never wore any of my own stuff til I came home in my large tee shirt and slacks. Take underwear, deodorant, cosmetics (like lipstick - but not much else). Comb - your own toothbrush (theirs stinks). Some change if you think you'll be able to read the newspaper. I couldn't. Concentration is nil. We have a thread called 'what to take to the hospital" - just click on search above, type it in and it'll show up.
I, too, am big-busted and was concerned about support especially when walking down the hallways. As someone previously mentioned, I found a sports bra at Wal-Mart that hooked in the front for ease. Be sure to purchase it in a larger size. I found pajamas to be more comfortable & easier because they buttoned down the front instead of a gown that had to be pulled over the head. I slipped on a robe over them when I had to walk around the hospital. I was in the hospital for only 4 1/2 - 5 days, so I never felt like reading, writing, etc.

AVR - ATS - 11/8/05
Mitral Valve - Annuloplasty Ring, 26mm - 11/8/05
Still packing???

Still packing???

Feb.3, I will be 4 weeks post op mv replacement. Good luck on your upcoming surgery. All of the suggestions for what to take with you thus far are wonderful. One other thing I found especially helpful was a candy container filled with chocolates, peppermints, etc... for the nurses - (some doctors even filled their pockets). My husband kept the container full my entire hospital stay- even in ICU. The nurses loved it and certainly deserved the treats -plus they made it a point to visit me often!! God Bless! Gail