One Year.............

Valve Replacement Forums

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One year ago today (25th October) I posted to for the first time - Didn't even know what a Margarita was then, hadn't even heard of Mexican food.................

A lot has changed in 12 short months - Sincere thanks to everyone in general for your friendship and to those in particular who have made such a change to my life.
I remember it well. I was so touched by your first post. It has been a blessing for all of us that you came along. Member the time when we thought maybe we didn't belong? The caring members said "yes, you do belong" and here we still are - non-valve replacementers. Can't believe it's been that long ago but seems we always knew you. God bless, dear Billy.
hey Billy!

hey Billy!

YOU, like this wonderful forum, have come a long way.......Baby!
Billy... no thanks needed! You in turn have helped many on this board (including me) with your words of kindness and support.

We are richer for your input!

Take care,
hi you all!

it is posts like these that are so touching to me and could make me cry in an instant.
this is truly a lifesaver of a place. i don't know that i could've made it without all your supposrt.
each and every one of you is such an incredible person.

thank you for all this,
Hi Billy, actually I found this forum and the first thing I did was go to personal stories, and I read your wife's one first. It was touching, so I showed my husband. Now I'm trying to write my own story, although, it does seem to be taking a while!
LOL;) ;)
Hi Billy,

Happy Anniversary!!
I too feel honored to have you as our friend on the site, and I feel you are one of us because of your dear Myrtle. Your Irish kindness shines, and you have been a great support to all of us on the forum.
When I read Myrtle's story last year I was moved to tears and I still am.
Please keep coming back.

Aortic Stenosis
St.Jude's Mechanical
Coumadin 20mg a day.
What a guy!! Your Myrtles story also touched me deeply. I remember you were one of the first to really "take me in", when I came here, though, so did everyone else!! Your notes always make me smile, I really enjoy being in your company! Congrats on your anniversary!
Thank you, Billy!

Thank you, Billy!


I can?t imagine our family without you! I remember reading Myrtle?s story for the first time. I was moved to tears. You are an important part of our lives here at VR.COM.

Thank YOU for your friendship,

We love ya, Billy.

Hey Billy!

Hey Billy!

I am so glad you have found us too. I enjoy your posts and your friendship.
Thanks to Everyone...........

Thanks to Everyone...........

Thanks to Everybody for continuing to make Hensylee and Billy so welcome on this site and a very special.................

...."Thank you" to Janie, Dick, Hensylee, Bob, Zazzy, Sylvia, Joy, Christina, Mindy, Rain, Jean, Ben and Nancy for your very kind replies to my post.
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