One Year Valversary - Monday 10/22/13

Valve Replacement Forums

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Active member
Oct 2, 2012
Geneva, IL USA
Hello Valvers! Just celebrated my 1 year yesterday (Tuesday)! I am so thankful for this forum pre & post op! You all are an amazing group of individuals. I have to admit that looking back, I am glad my waiting room time was very short; however had I known the results would have been this positive, I would have pushed to have had this done years ago as elective surgery! (Don't tell my insurance company I said that! - Did anyone else get that "pre-existing condition" letter shortly after their surgery? - that was a bit of a shock!) - Everything worked out ok, but I was surprised to receive.

Yes, I too had my set backs (seem to be common with any major surgery), especially early on, but I am back better than I can ever remember. Exercising hard 6 days a week and living life! Here is a photo from a few weeks ago running an off-road 5K. I am enjoying pushing myself and feeling the burn without having to labor hard to breath!


I wish everyone a good recovery, health and peace. Stay positive or lean on any of us! It is not easy, but anything worth doing rarely is.

Sorry, for any miscue - My surgery was early on a Monday and I had that stuck in my head when I created the thread. Funny looking back as I remember being concerned and even asking the Surgeon and Staff if anyone involved liked to party hard over the weekend. I was worried somebody might be a little hung over as I was scheduled to be 1st on the table Monday AM. Of course my surgeon reassured me that everyone was very responsible and would be very well rested and ready to go after a good weekend. Then he lit up a joint.... just kidding.;)
Happy anniversary Dion! I'm glad to read that your recovery is going well and that you are really pushing it now. I haven't been on here in a while and now I'm glad I did. Congratulations on your achievement and I look forward to wishing you countless more in the future. Way to go my friend!
