One Year Anniversary tomorrow

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Baltimore, MD
I don't even know what to say except that I am glad I am here to say I am celebrating one year tomorrow. My husband was thinking back to all that my family went through the day of my surgery. I do remember some of it but obviously not the way they do.
I am taking off 1/2 day of work to be with my husband and closest friends. We are going to the movies and dinner. Just wanted to thank all of you here at for all of the support you have given me. I really don't know what I would have done without you.

Congratulations on this milestone. I hope you have a wonderful day and many, many more anniversaries.
Happy Anniversary, one year with your valve. Sounds like such a nice idea...spending time with friends and family and celebrating life. Hope you have a happy day and many happy years to come.
Congrats on your first anniversary! It is an important milestone and it is good that you are taking the time to celebrate it with those you love. Your task now it to celebrate life as if every day were an anniverary! Have a happy day. Karen
Congratulations! I wish you many many many years on your repair!
joanne6 said:
I don't even know what to say except that I am glad I am here to say I am celebrating one year tomorrow. My husband was thinking back to all that my family went through the day of my surgery. I do remember some of it but obviously not the way they do.
I am taking off 1/2 day of work to be with my husband and closest friends. We are going to the movies and dinner. Just wanted to thank all of you here at for all of the support you have given me. I really don't know what I would have done without you.


It's great to have you here, and even better to celebrate this anniversary!
I just passed the one year mark at the end of June. Just passed one year for the pacer last week!
Thank you all

Thank you all

I worked in the morning and then my husband and friends picked me up. We had a light lunch, saw a move "Little Miss Sunshine"-very quirky movie. We then went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I did well with the dinner part and had a light salad but then...I had 1/2 piece of cheesecake. Cannot remember the last time I had cheesecake. They toasted me with their coffee and celebrated the fact that I am still here. For those that don't know the full story, I had a complication during surgery but due to the skill and quick thinking of my surgeon, I am still here.
Now I have to set a date to start my diet-ugh.
I must say that now I do not consider a day complete unless I stop here to see how everyone on this site is doing. Thanks again and have a great night.
One year for me as well!

One year for me as well!

One year ago this moment, I was in the ICU after AVR and aortic root replacement. Given the day, I want to acknowledge everyone for the advice and support that I received through our little club here.
I also wanted to pass along the 10 things I learned from the experience for others on the hot seat. Here's my list.
1. I may not be here right now if they didnt' discover the problem. Finding out was the first step of recovery and my best chance to avoid the worst. It was a lucky thing.
2. Don't schedule the cath ahead of the surgery so that you can come home in between. I did and it makes those days only worse.
3. Make sure they knock you out during the cath. They only gave me a local.
4. Bring your pajama bottoms to the hospital.
5. Try to get a private room. There is a greater chance of getting an infection from others than dying from this stuff.
6. If you go to a teaching hospital do not sign the form that allows students to attend to you. Insist on board certified physicians only. My scar is two inches wide at some points.
6. Recovery is exponetial and not linear. Alll of a sudden you feel better. For me that was week 5. I played golf in week six.
7. It takes 6 months to be rock steady again and to get everything out of your system.
8. Be nice to the nurses and the surgeon's PA, you will be with them much more than the physicians.
9. Choose the surgeon based on how many operations that they do of your exact procedure, and their mortality rate, not by what hospital they are at, or who your cardiologist recommends.
10. You won't totally get over it untill you go back to your old life, including working normal hours, and playing at the old games.
I still can't believe that a year has passed by.
Congratulations to all that have recently marked their first year anniversary of valve replacement!