One year and one month check up!

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Apr 19, 2011
My 19 year old son Sam has just had his annual follow up following his AVR surgery in November 2012. I am pleased to say that his results are very good and according to his cardiologist, the valve is working perfectly ( medtronic freestyle tissue). I must admit to having been a little anxious before this appointment, as we are in relatively uncharted waters with regard to the longevity of this type of valve in such a young recipient. His next annual checkup will be more thorough with a full MRI, stress ECG, ultrasound and blood test etc. But all good news so far!!:)
Very good news. I think it may be harder on parents to go through this with one of their children. I hope and pray he has many many years of good reports. Let us know how his next annual checkup does.