One month post op....BORA BORA?

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2013
San Diego, Ca
SOOOOOOOO, I go in for my 2nd OHS on MAY 21.

My DH and I are flight crew on a private plane, and long story short, we have a Bora Bora trip the 3rd week in June....

What do you think about the odds of me going to "recoop" in Bora Bora? Has anyone travelled after surgery? Advice?

I know I will not "work" the flight, esp because you cannot lift 10 lbs. But I want still want to go, airline out and recover in Bora Bora. It has been a rough 5 months "waiting" for this surgery.

Thoughts? Experiences?
You say your surgery (was ?) March 21 but that your trip would be third week in June and call that one month post op?
Did you mean to write May? If you had the surgery in March, you well should be okay to travel. If, indeed, you mean May 21 surgery, that's cutting it a bit IMO for such a long trip though private plane makes a huge difference in comfort etc If you mean May 21, you must wait until after your surgery to decide. There is no way to know in advance how easily it will go for you. The odds are hugely in your favor but you can't predict a-fib etc.

Are you having a mechanical valve? You may not have your INR stabalized in a month..... or you might. How will you test. Many doctors require 3 months stable INR before they authorize self testing/give Rx for equipment.

After your surgery, when making your decision, IMO
Speak with your surgeon.
Speak with your cardio.
Speak with your primary care doctor and if they all say okay,
GO and HAVE Fun.

I traveled a much shorter distance than you propose but after each of my surgeries, we flew south for vacation and though very tired upon arrival, I was safe and fine.

You do need to research what sort of emergency medical care would be available to you in the most unlikely event you should require it.
lol MAY sorrrry....
I am getting two tissue valves. This will be my second is hard to remember how I felt after my last surgery(12/26/03). I remember a bit over a month I flew to Vegas and went to Disneyland (2/8/04) yes...even a few rollercoasters..probably not the smartest but at 19 I healed pretty quick, and felt good. I'm hoping at my old age of 29, I can still have a quick recovery.
At 16 days post op I say I could probably do a trip now. Although fatigue comes fast. I asked my surgeon before if I could go on vacation after a month and he said yes. I would say go for it but be able to cancel your plans if you aren't up to it!
Well my family and I just spent 10 nights south of Cancun mid April. I too had us booked for last Xmas but that would have only been 30 days out for me too. I am sure glad I bumped the trip so I was almost 5 months out. After a five hour flight on a crowded 373, I didn't mind the long flight, but on arrival to the heat and humidity, that first night was tough on me, got online to, to find out others didn't take to the heat that well post surgery. After a good night sleep,the rest of the trip was just fine, love to swim and snorkel.

I guess you being 20 yrs my junior, could have a lot to do with recovery, in most cases. The main reason for me to bump my trip ahead of time, was my insurance company needed 60 days stability post surgery to cover me. Meaning no change in medication or symptoms. As it turned out my meds had not needed to be changed since surgery. I have read too many bad stories about people travelling without insurance, I won't go there at my age now, lol, I don't have enough working years left to pay for a procedure like this.

Good luck with surgery and recovery, and if all your Doc's are on board, and you feel up to it, go for it.
Another thought I just had.....

I was instructed to not go into ocean, lake or swimming pool for 30 days post op. My surgeon did not want to risk infection and said no swimming until the incision was fully healed.
OHHHH I'm jealous. I think Bora Bora sounds like a brilliant place to recuperate, as long as your surgeon is OK with the idea! You don't have to be 'up for' much as you will sit on the plane, sit on the beach . . . the only thing I can think of is that I was told to keep my incision/scar out of the sun for a year or else it would end up strongly pigmented - so you may have to forego the teeny bikini in favour of a t-shirt.

If you do end up going, please have a pina colada for me. A BIG one. :)
You guys all brought a smile to my face. THANK YOU!

I am going to pray for the very best. I know I will not be able to sleep a wink tomorrow night. I go in 5AM Tuesday morn.

Ski girl: I absolutely will!!! ;)