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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2005
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to take a trip to only one place. My wish is coming true this Thursday. I am going to go to see my highly anticipated Grand Canyon. It is my first and most likely only tirp in my life and never did I think this dream would come true. It is not without alot of concern and worry within my family. My sister and I will be making the voyage together. My present husband of 16 years has had plenty of time to take me as did my former husband of 19 years, hence they both lose and I will go on a girls outing. After 26 years of multiple heart surgeries and procedures and far to many horrific events to write about it is time for me to fullfill this dream. I am quite positive the sight will take my breath away and give me memories to sustain me for what is left of my life. If anyone has any tips on places to stand and gaze please let me know. I plan to buy every tshirt I see and have a desingated empty suitcase to fill. If my defribrillator shocks me and knocks me to the ground what a cool place for my first event.
If you can see it and wish it, it will happen at sometime.
Grand Canyon or bust.
That is one place I have always wanted to see. I will live vicariously with your reports of your trip. I'm excited for you.:)
That sounds like a great trip!!

That sounds like a great trip!!

I know you will have enjoy the trip.
I have always wanted to visit old Quebec City. I had thought that maybe this summer but now it is out of the question after the cost of this surgery. Maybe next year....
We went many years ago when our children were small..They loved it and wanted to ride the mules down into the Canyon...We stayed in Flagstaff, Az.. It is a sight to behold..:) Bonnie
The one great thing about the Grand Canyon is that the memory stays with you forever so, if you never get to to again, you will still be OK.
If you get the opportunity, take a helicopter tour. It is worth the money and gets you to see places you would not otherwise see from the rim. Other than that tip, any place you go in the area is wonderful.
If you have time for a side trip - go see Meteor Crater which is about 40 miles east of Flagstaff. I have been there 7 times and it never gets boring. I consider one of the "power places" on earth.
Have a great time.
How wonderful Kathleen- I am so glad you are getting to fulfil your dream. Have a marvelous time and bring back pictures to share!
You go girl!!!!!

Not only is the Grand Canyon stunning, but the area surrounding it is beautiful country. Breath it in, drink it in!
Congrats on getting a great trip.
I prefer the north rim to the south, myself. It is a little less crowded and a little higher elevation.
If at the north rim go to the main lodge, point imperial and point sublime. Then just stare in awe.
I think the south rim has helocopter trips. I know the north rim doesn't. Many surrounding towns/cities have airplane trips (Flagstaff, Kanab, Page and others I'm sure).
I've not done it, but I think the old steam engine train trip from Williams, Az. to the south rim would be a truly memorable ride. I bet they have a web site.
If your plans leave you at or around Page/Lake Powell please call 928-645-9374. Wife and I would love to visit.

Your going to do one of the things that I cannot. Please find a nice beautiful spot, take in all the scenery and take in a nice big breath of air for me. Pics would be nice also. Closest I'm ever going to get to it.


Thank you all for all you kindness in my sharing of my dream. My sister now known as Thelma and I as Louise will be flying to Laughlin NV and staying at a resort/casino there for the day. We will jump in our convertible on Friday am and drive to the south rim of my canyon. I cannot do the north due to the defibrillator. I will spend the day staring and taking photos and breathing and I am sure having a few tears fall on my shoes. We will take a blanket and sit there until we can sit no more since sunset is supposed to be beautiful. We will stay at a place called the Grand Squire Inn which is at the mouth of the canyon so we can be up and sitting in another spot for the sunrise. When we have our fill we will drive back to the casino and fly home the next day. I am going to see what the inside of a airplane looks like...jeez.
Ross, yeah I will do that for you. Read between the lines of your posts and a few years ago I was where you are--OHS, left hemi paralysis, minus 2 bucks in the bank, kids setting off to go to college and dared to believe this could happen but I wished it could - viola.
Thanks again to all
Gotta pack some more
Kathleen aka Louise
You have chosen a wondrous place to visit!!! We only had two partial days there and were rushing from veiwpoint to viewpoint. The very VERY best moments were at sunset when the irridescense melds into glowing red and orange and you watch the colors fade down into the canyon. So, don't miss the sunsets!

Enjoy! :D Marguerite
Wow, "Louise" ... that sounds like a great trip! Have fun and take lots of pics to share with us when you return!
Preparation for trip.

Preparation for trip.

I have a suggestion that I think will greatly enhance your Grand Canyon experience. Please, please, please get a copy of Edward Abbey's book "Desert Solitaire". I have spent my life reading books, and this is one of the best ever. It isn't a tour book, it is much more. Edward Abbey experienced, loved, and wrote about the Southwest in a way that no one has before or since. You will "see" much more of the Grand Canyon if you take the time to read Abbey's book. This will be a wonderful trip for you. I went there for the first time after I was recovering from my AVR.

That place is so big, and so "Grand" that the pictures from your camera will never match the pictures in your head.
Will do

Will do

Dennis I will do that when I get back. I love to read and then read some more. The gods seem to want to fight me on leaving since today is not starting to be a good day physically. My sister has ordered a wheelchair for me at the door and then a golf cart. I don't care if I see it on wheels or feet I will go ---insert chanting here.