On cardiac rehab

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
I saw a longtime friend this afternoon & evening. Don had CABG about 18 months ago, I think -- just hours after a heart attack.
We chatted about our cardiologists, and he remarked about the benefits he got from going through rehab after his surgery. He did rehab for 3 times a week for 3 months. Said it built him up physically -- and gave him confidence that he could withstand physical exertion despite the heart attack & CABG (his exact words). He developed a staph infection post-op and was hospitalized for quite a few weeks. He's doing fine today, is on warfarin & several other Rxes.
What's amazing is that Don was 70 when he had his CABG. He had had knee replacement surgery several years before this, so he's not an athletic person.
Just wanted those in the waiting room to know about the benefits of rehab. My surgeon didn't order it for me -- just told me to do a little more each day. (Guess he thought I was fairly fit.)
If I had to go through OHS again, I'd be lobbying for rehab. Hope those possibly facing surgery will lobby for it when their time comes.
Benefits of Cardio Rehab.

Benefits of Cardio Rehab.

I agree! I started Cardio Rehab. in addition to my own walking, 3 weeks post-Ross procedure. My surgeon said it was my choice to exercise on my own or go to rehab. I love the people there--I am the youngest one there but we are all in it together! I returned to full-time work this week and still attend rehab. I still look forward to it on MWF and it is actually also a relief for me during the day. I think the rehab. has helped me know my limits; has helped me keep my blood pressure monitored more closely, and has been a great source of encouragement! I have more and more energy each day
(rehab. has also helped me pace myself-I tend to overdo!). I think it has contributed significantly to my doing so well!
I hope this helps someone!
I'm with you, Marsha

I'm with you, Marsha

When I was discharged from the Cleveland Clinic they gave me an order for cardiac rehab but when I went back to my local cardiologist he said I was doing fine, didn't need to go. Big mistake I know now. If I had it to do over I would press the issue until he said, go, woman, go!!!
catwoman said:
My surgeon didn't order it for me

I've never had rehab, at least, that I'm aware. I know I did NOT have it after my 1987 or 2003 surgeries ... don't know about the surgery in 1977 ... can't remember everything "back then" ;).

But, reading the stories about rehab ... if I have another surgery, I will ask about it...and see what the doctors say.....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
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"So much is left undone" ... Deep Blue Something ... 'Breakfast At Tiffany's'