OHS in Scotland. Anybody??

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Debrinha GT

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
Hello everybody.
I've had 3 MVRs already, but all of them in Brazil, my homeland. I'll soon be having my 4th, except this time it will be in Glasgow, Scotland, and for the first time I'll be getting a mech valve put in.
I was wondering if anyone here has had OHS there and what ti's like so that I know what to expect. Mine will probably be at the Western Infirmary.
Thanks in advance,
Best of luck Debora with everything and hoping this will be your last surgery, wishing you a very speedy recovery too.
Debora, there is a member named Tam who lives in Scotland. He hasn't posted in a while, but you may try to pm him. Best wishes to you!
Best of luck with what you're facing.
When you have a date, let us know so we can put it on the calendar.
I'm praying for the very best for you Debora. Did the doctors decide it was to risky for you to fly? Last we heard you had to go back to Brazil. It sounds like things worked out in your favor since you were afraid of flying back.
It's like this...

It's like this...

The appointment I have with the cardio in February is to see how things have progressed with the valve so, I'll only know what happens next when I go to see him and have another echo done. All I can say at this point regarding surgery is that I know it will be sometime next year.
I've been back in Brazil for just over 2 weeks and I'll be here until the middle of January when I'll then return to Scotland for good.
Thank you all for your replies so far.