Numbness in hands and feet

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Oct 25, 2012
Edgefield, SC
A few months ago I was diagnosed with a herniated disc in my lower back. Since then I have attributed my numb feet to that. The last few weeks every time I hold my hand above my heart it will go numb. For instance, driving with my hand high on the steering wheel or holding the phone up to my hear. It only takes about 5 mins and my whole hand is numb. I have noticed when I am walking both my feet are going numb as well. Now I am thinking this is due to my heart and not my back after all.
It have noticed it has gotten worse since I started the new beta blocker.
Anyone else have this problem?
Deb, I would sure be calling your cardiologist and letting him/her know what you are experiencing. I do know herniated disc can do crazy things. This sounds very extreme for that. Good luck and I hope you find an answer.