Nose bleeds and BAVD

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Bad Mad

Well-known member
May 17, 2007
Belfast - North Of Ireland
Since as long as I can remember (prob early teens or so), I have been very suceptable to nose bleeds. These could occur if I were to get any sort of a hit, if it were too hot or too cold, or even if I blow my nose too hard.

Nearly all the bleeds come from the left side. That was, up until recently when I went to get the minor procedure done at A & E where they burn the inside of the nostrel. So low and behold what do you know, the bleeds have stopped on the left and now have started getting them from the other side!!
Just got one there!! Though they don't happen daily, they do occur too often for my liking!
Obviously there are some vessels up there that must be quite weak, and with the induced hypertension from the BAVD, this might explain it.

Has anyone else here had similar experiences?
Would this be a concern for someone who was on warafrin? (I prob will be on it after next OHS).
Bad Mad said:
Since as long as I can remember (prob early teens or so), I have been very suceptable to nose bleeds. These could occur if I were to get any sort of a hit, if it were too hot or too cold, or even if I blow my nose too hard.

Nearly all the bleeds come from the left side. That was, up until recently when I went to get the minor procedure done at A & E where they burn the inside of the nostrel. So low and behold what do you know, the bleeds have stopped on the left and now have started getting them from the other side!!
Just got one there!! Though they don't happen daily, they do occur too often for my liking!
Obviously there are some vessels up there that must be quite weak, and with the induced hypertension from the BAVD, this might explain it.

Has anyone else here had similar experiences?
Would this be a concern for someone who was on warafrin? (I prob will be on it after next OHS).
Hi Brad
Appears the left and right side are using the same pathway in the end. If you have a great ENT they can really be helpful in finding the weak vessels. I had a hospital admitted nose bleed while on the coumadin, aspirin, plavix cocktail. I would spend the time it takes to look into it. My ENT was great about really helping me after the hospital had to pack my nose for the bleed. By the way don't ever have them packed unless there is no other recourse.

Thanks for the reply. That's what I thought. The blood is determined to get out no matter what path it has to come down!!

On the last occassion when I got the nostrel burn't, it seemed to be pretty routine. The doctor took out the little stick and fairly randomly pierced the inside of the nostrel.

Would it be dangerous for someone on warafrin to be geting regular nose bleeds? Usually I can get get mine stopped after a few minutes.

You may want to look into Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, also known as Heriditary Hemorrhagic Telangeictasia (HHT). There's no link between BAVD and HHT, but there's helpful information available for those with severe nosebleeds....see the url below for more info.

Even if you weren't born with HHT, this website will provide helpful information regarding treatment for nosebleeds.
This is probably old news for you, but is it possible that a few squirts of a saline nose spray every day would keep your nostrils and vessels moist and pliant enough so there would be less bleeding? Do your nosebleeds occur when you have been dehydrated, in a very dry environment(heated or air conditioned), or when the weather changes?? I just know that our son had frequent nosebleeds and the added moisture was very helpful.

Good luck.

Marguerite53 said:
This is probably old news for you, but is it possible that a few squirts of a saline nose spray every day would keep your nostrils and vessels moist and pliant enough so there would be less bleeding? Do your nosebleeds occur when you have been dehydrated, in a very dry environment(heated or air conditioned), or when the weather changes?? I just know that our son had frequent nosebleeds and the added moisture was very helpful.

Good luck.


Hi Marguerite

Not old news at all. Saline nose spray? Is there another name for this? Can you get it in an ordinary chemist?

The nosebleeds will occur if:

1. I get any sort of hit on it. :(
2. If it is too hot or too cold...probably when i move quickly from 1 environment to the other as you say.
3. If I have had a few too many the night before. i imagine this could be down to an increase in BP.
4. Sometimes if I blow really hard :eek:

During a bleed it is very difficult to get it stopped if I am in a stuffy environment. Cooler the better at that stage.