Noel's surgery date is set

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
Cullman, Alabama
Noel will have a heart cath on Nov. 14th and surgery the following day. Dr. McGiffin thinks a repair of the mitral valve might be possible and I stress might. If replacement is needed he will do a mechanical as he is already on coumadin for life. We did like the doctor. I had my little melt down after the visit...Noel is holding up well...actually better than we have a week to get things in order here. Noel told him he did not want to come and think about it if it had to be done and the doctor told him it needed to be done sooner than later. He did stress the increased risks involved due to the recent surgery. But those do not lessen by waiting. So here we are. I know lots of you have been there already and we really need your input and support right now.
I know this is sudden, but really, if it has to be done, then it's better to get it done now, before more time elapses.

We've all been through this, some more than others, so we know the thoughts you both have. We will be here to offer help and support as Noel makes his "trek up the mountain."
We've got strong shoulders for you to lean on, and big hearts that always open up to welcome another valve recepient into our ranks.
You just have to take small steps at a time right now, and keep moving forward. It won't be easy, but it is necessary and you will get through it. Somehow, you will muster the strength to get it done.

I will be thinking of you both as you had for these choppy waters and the smooth sailing afterwards.
Well at least you have a date..and it will all be behind you for the holidays.
I am glad that the surgeon was quick to make a decision and that Noel will soon be on the road to health and recovery!
Call upon your family and friends for encouragement and support!!
and of course your good friends here at
It is a shock when you first get the date, but it is really better that it is only 12 days away. Plenty of time to get ready and less time to obsess. A repair would be good, but he is in good hands and will be fine whichever way it goes. I put Noel on the calendar for the 15th and you know that we will all be here to help you both.
Think how much better he will feel by Christmas!!

Think how much better he will feel by Christmas!!

I am sure that the reality of it is really setting in. The fact is that he is getting a second chance, and we are all soooo lucky that it is possible. Lots of prayers coming your way!!