No Shirt but!

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
Acworth, GA
I have no tawdry shirts in my possession, but I thought I would share my scar(s) with you . The horizontal scar is from when I was 5 and had my bicupid valve repaired, the vertical scar is now slightly over 6 months old.
One 3 inch scar up on my right shoulder area did not show up to well with the lighting, but it is there. Oh yeah and I got one bonus out of the ordeal, I now have a incisional hernia at the bottom of the incision, so guess what gets fixed next.

After that I intend to start my own religious cult since I have the markings of a cross lol.
Looks like you got bit of incisional hernia as well. I call it my alien.

Hang in there. Shirts are makin their rounds, but post office is sllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooowwwwwwww.
rckrzy1 said:
Boy some you guys got some serious length to the scar, mines only 7" long.

Did you take a picture in a tawdry shirt so you can substantiate that claim??:p :p :p
Otherwise, you need to take a pic and post it!;) ;)
My horizontal scar is similar to yours so no one will be seeing any pictures of me! That is some stigmata you have going there DeWayne! Last week a cafeteria worker in Houston saw a picture of Mary or Jesus (can't remember) on a cookie sheet she was washing. That got a lot of publicity and they even let her keep the cookie sheet. Maybe you can say that you woke up one morning and there it was. The hernia could represent Golgotha. It might get you 15 minutes of fame!