No more warfarin....and about my husband...

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Praline Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2005
Last summer I wore a heart recorder for a month. I was supposed to record any episodes of AFib or flutter. No episodes were recorded. I have not have any AFib or flutter since last March.
Over the Thanksgiving break, I wore a Holter monitor. I got a call from my cardiologist's nurse today and she said that no AFib was recorded on the monitor so I could stop taking coumadin. I guess the Maze procedure done during my OHS was successful. Also my total cholesteral is down to 189. It was 212 last time. I have not been taking statins. Everything is in range.

As for my husband, it is a rollercoaster. Last Tuesday he was admitted to the hospital and given 3 units of blood. He was just in the hospital overnight.His hemoglobin count was a 3...quite low. The 3 units of blood bought it up to 8.5. Still not high ( should be about 14)but today is was still at 8.6 so they said that was good it stayed stable.
His white blood cell count has been in the 40,000 ( I think normal should be 8,000-12,000) and today it is down to 13, 000. They have NO idea why it came down.
He has been having radiation treatments. The lung cancer is still spreading to his ribs. Some days he has a lot of pain.They think they may be able to resume chemo treatments next week. They had to stop because of the high white blood cells count.

I want to thank everyone for all the prayers. We really appreciate it.
I am glad to hear your heart-health is better ...
Sorry to hear of hubby's pain and troubles still continuing...
Prayers will continue to be said from across the seas...
I'm glad to hear of your good heart news - you definitely deserve it!
I will continue to keep your husband in my prayers.

Praline, I'm glad you can come off coumadin and you are doing so well. What a battle you and your husband are going through with his cancer. Praline, thank you so much for updating us. You are in my heart and prayers. Cyber hugs to you.
I often think of you both and am continuing to pray for you. Happy to hear about the a-fib going away and hopefully things will stay positive for your husband also.

Take care and thanks for the update.

Thank you for the update. I've thought of you often in the past weeks. That is great news about your health. Please tell your husband that all of us on this site are pulling for him!

Praline....You are in my prayers and thoughts

Praline....You are in my prayers and thoughts

You have certainly had your share of overwhelming health issues, and this one is a doozy....Here's wishing you nothing but peace, love, and prayers to help battle this horrible war you have going on. Hugs from Harrybaby to you and your husband:D :D :D
Praline, I was happy to hear that you're doing better and you no longer have to take Coumadin. I will continue to keep you and your husband in my prayers. I'm praying that his pain will ease. LINDA
Praline I think of you so often.. I don't get here much anymore, but always look for your updates!

I am glad that you could say goodbye to a medication, that is always a good thing.
Still praying for your husband.
thanks for keeping us posted!