night sweats

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Active member
Jan 28, 2008
Temecula, CA
Since my surgery, I have had night sweats, waking me up around 0200 everynight. At first I thought it was the pain meds, now that I am home, I have weaned myself off the pain pills but still have night sweats? Is this normal?
Yes I'm sure they are normal. As I recall they lasted a few months. It was worse the first few weeks and became intermittent over the course of time until they were gone. I also had weird dreams.
TinaK said:
Since my surgery, I have had night sweats, waking me up around 0200 everynight. At first I thought it was the pain meds, now that I am home, I have weaned myself off the pain pills but still have night sweats? Is this normal?

Before my hystectomy in my mid-40's, I'd blame it on the on-set of menopause but I've gone thru those "sweats" what seems forever! Sometimes they can be so bad that I have to get up & turn the ceiling fan on for a little bit until the sweat passes. Then I get cold......:confused: I guess it's just one more little annoyance we have to contend with....:)
I had them every single night for about six weeks. Didn't seem to have anything to do with the pain meds as I had them both when I used them and when I didn't. I personally would wake up every night at about 2:00-3:00AM and be covered in sweat from head to foot. I always had to change my clothes and then move out to the couch where I could finish the night. I don't think people exactly know why they happen, but the most common theory that I have heard is that they have to do with your body's expulsion of the anesthesia.
Hah, I was 52 when I had surgery, and had been having sweats for a while before (aboaut 4 or 5 years) and put it down to the thing-that-women-go-through-at-that-age lol Haven't had one since, neither have I had a sinus problem, and man, I have had those since I was at least 18 years old

I am touching wood here, as much and as often as i can :D Don't want either back, very happy to have seen them go !
Oh, yeah. Completely normal. Do a seach on Night sweats. Several large threads on for them.

I sure don't miss 'em, either. Used to completely soak my side of the bed every night. Drops hanging off me like I was in a sauna. Had to throw two pillows away...

Best wishes,


Yes, most of us seem to have dealt with night sweats. There have been many posts speculating about the cause. I like the explanations involving the body's thermostat being messed up during surgery and the idea that the body is trying to cleanse itself of all the chemicals that accompany OHS procedures. As I approach my one year anniversery, night sweats are one of those experiences I do not miss much.

Night sweats - normal

Night sweats - normal

I bought a few beach towels and slept on one. So when I woke up all sweaty, I could replace the towel and just go back to sleep.
Hi Tina,

I am two weeks post OHS and indeed I too have night sweats. While in the hospital I had a hot flash from the neck down while at the same time freezing from the neck up.I would have torn my shirt/pants off and put them on my head but I was connected to so many tubes and wires I did not think it was possible. :D My nurse told me to expect my own "private summers" as a result of the surgery. I think after OHS your whole system needs time to reboot before functioning properly.

Glad your doing well.
Was told that they are normal...

Was told that they are normal...

I had them in the hospital, and still have them a little (11 days post-op). I asked about them and was told that it was perfectly normal. When you have a major surgery such as OHS, it throws your 'internal thermostat' out of whack for a little while. In the hospital, I'd be freezing one minute and sweating the next. Not so bad now.

Take care,
I have a night of sweats occasionally. I didn't have valve replacement; had quad bypass. I think perhaps my sweats might be caused by over exertion or more than usual exertion.

Woke up last night drenched and throwing off covers. Of course yesterday was a long and fun filled busy day in Orlando and I did way more than usual. Could be it. Least in my case. But I think I will try to keep track hereafter.