niece's catherization - prayers, please

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Have a niece going in tomorrow for catherization. Don't know what is wrong so this is exploration. She is diabetic - from childhood. Please pray for her that all will go well and that nothing serious will be found. Thanks
Will do, Ann.....I'll add her to the list!!! Glad the old forum is back, aren't you???

In my thoughts and that all goes well.
AVR '93 / '95

I hope all goes well. I will be thinking of your niece and family.
Take care.
Ann, I'll be pulling for your niece that the procedure goes smoothly and without complication. Here's hoping that no serious problems will be found.
Same here Ann

Same here Ann

Let us know what they find. Nothing I hope. Nice pic Dave:) Bonnie
Of course, Ann

Any niece of yours is a friend of ours.

All the best to her. I think I was more frightened of my Cath than the subsequent surgery.

Take care

I'm sorry to hear that your niece has to go through this. I will definatley say a few prayers for her. Please let us know how things go.

Take Care!
hi ann,
just got home last night and found your post this morning... how did the cath go?
is your niece ok? what did they find?
please let us know, ok?
thanks and hoping all is well, sylvia
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They found some blockage (I guess) and put in a stent. We always worry about this one as her first child was born with the same thing Baby M had and was lost - looked healthy, but wasn't. She had a brother who was lost soon after birth with same heart defect. The diabetes caused it. And since she has always had diabetes in the fullest sense, we continually worry about her. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you all - Ann