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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2009
Houston TX
I recently went back to taking Niaspan (1st time around had some issues with a pounding heartbeat at night). Have taken it every night for 2 weeks - never had a problem with flushing, so I have not taken an aspirin with it (too much aspirin causes stomach upset for me). Last night I woke up 3 hours after taking the Niaspan almost in pain, I felt so hot. I did have one episode of flushing the first time around, but it was evidently very mild and only lasted about 15 minutes or so. This time it was a few hours before it subsided. I felt like I was on fire from the inside out (any Spontaneous Human Combustion fans out there?).

Anyone else have flushing to this extreme? I'm going to try again tonight and take some aspirin well ahead of time, but not really something I want to experience again.

Why don't you just go online and research the best food sources of that vitamin and just eat more of it? I believe Niacin is B1? Or, if there is some other reason your Dr. feels you must use the med form, discuss adjusting the dosage or the timing of it.
My husband takes Niaspan and he sometimes has problems with the flushing. It mainly occurs when he's had coffee or something hot to drink at night or if he stays up too long after he's taken the meds. Hope this helps.