New pre-surgery runner

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2006
Lake Havasu City, AZ
I'm new here, this is my very first post. I'm really glad I found this sight 'm in pre-stage surgery for a aortic valve replacement. Not sure when surgery will be but was looking for information on post surgery workouts. Nothing like planing ahead.
A little history. I'm 68, have been runing for 27 years and the veteran of 50 marathons, a lot of 1/2 marys, several centuries and a bunch of triathlons, including IRONMAN Canada in 1987 at age 49.
I was hoping I'd be able to get back to marathoning after surgery and this link has given me the hope that it will happen again. My last marathon, against my doctors wishers was almost one year ago. Since then my training and running has become more of a chore than a fun and relaxing activity.
Premature as it may sound, I'm going to set a goal of mid-Feb 2008 as a marathon date. It will be about the time of my 70th birthday.
I will be checking in here regularly to get to know all of you and share your experiences and mine.
You guys/gals are just what I need right now.
BTW, Kodi is my login name, my real name is Mel
Hi, Mel.

I'm glad you found this place. I'm sure you have already seen that the folks here have a wealth of information and support. I have found it invaluable in my preparation for surgery and now in my recovery from surgery.

You have quite a running/athletic resume' and you have my admiration! I started running at about the same age you did which was about 6 years ago for me. You've been much more prolific than me. I have 4 marathons under my belt and I hope to be able to do another one some day. My doctors are not excited about that prospect, so I'm going to wait-and-see how the recovery goes. I am 12 weeks post-op and my running is totally different than pre-op.... much slower, much shorter, many interruptions to walk & get the heart rate down, etc. BUT I can happily say that it seems to be getting better each week.

Prepare yourself for a lengthy recovery period. You will need it, but more importantly, YOU WILL DESERVE IT! And if you prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for that, you will probably enjoy ( or at least tolerate :D ) your post-surgery recovery and training much more.

Maybe some of our other athletes here can speak to your February, 2008 time table. I think that is aggressive, but I really don't know if that is TOO aggressive or not. Austin usually has a marathon in mid-February if you are ready by then and need to find a marathon. I ran it this past February and had my best time ever. It's a "downhill course" and the temperature is usually cool.

Best wishes for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery!

Welcome, Mel

I am likewise impressed with your resume. Depending on when you have your surgery, Feb 2008 might be aggressive. Most of us find it takes a few to several months before we really feel like we're back to solid training, with younger guys bouncing back before older ones (no surprise). Regardless, keep a positive attitude, and if you have to slip the marathon date a little bit, just do so.

Please stop back frequently to let us know how you're doing, both before and after surgery.

Best wishes,
Hey, Mel. Nice to have you with us. We have a marathoner (well, several, in fact, but I'm thinking of one in particular) named MarkU. Check the members list (above), find his name and his posts. He was perhaps our first runner after heart surgery. We have another Mark who ran all the way across the country from California to New York; we were able to follow the maps he posted as he went. His father and sister finally joined him in a run. We have several who have run as group valvers. You will be able to run again - a little at the time, but you'll get there. I am sure there will be some who will be in to encourage you and tell you of their experiences. We've gottem all over the globe.

Welcome to VR.
Thanks for the links. Very encouraging. I'm really stubborn and highly motivated, two traits common do most marathon runners and based on my own prior experience think 2/2008 is reasonable. I had prostate surgery 11 years ago (Sept 15) 9 months later I ran a 3:46 marathon in Salt Lake City. I ran a second 1 years post surgery in 3:29. I'm not suggesting I could come close to either of those times, but that I have the determination to achieve.

Still waiting for a surgery date and it's driving me crazy.
kodi said:
Thanks for the links. Very encouraging. I'm really stubborn and highly motivated, two traits common do most marathon runners and based on my own prior experience think 2/2008 is reasonable. I had prostate surgery 11 years ago (Sept 15) 9 months later I ran a 3:46 marathon in Salt Lake City. I ran a second 1 years post surgery in 3:29. I'm not suggesting I could come close to either of those times, but that I have the determination to achieve.

Still waiting for a surgery date and it's driving me crazy.
While I admire your tenacity, heart surgery is very different from prostate surgery. I'm not saying you won't make February, but in this game, don't rush it if your not ready. Rushing only causes further set backs.
Welcome to the site Mel

Welcome to the site Mel

tommy said:
You're incredible!:)

Mel - we welcome with you open arms; our family of athletes with heart valve issues just keeps growing. Looking forward to sharing and learning right along with you. Best regards, Mark
Ross said:
While I admire your tenacity, heart surgery is very different from prostate surgery. I'm not saying you won't make February, but in this game, don't rush it if your not ready. Rushing only causes further set backs.

Ross, I appreicate your reply. I am not so naive to believe that this is going to be easy but think if I use the same cautionary approach I did before I will be okay. One thing I have learned in 27 years of running is to listen to my body....and I do. Besides, I have a strong family support system that won't let me get away with too much. :)