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Greetings. I'm a new member. I'm going have surgery to hopefully repair my Mitral valve on Jan 20. I will be having it done at the Cleveland Heart Institute. My Doctor is Delos Cosgrove. Unfortunately instead of counting the days til Christmas, I'm counting the days til surgery. I realize that each operation is different, but how long should it take before I will be able to get back to work and drive? Thanks, Bob

I'd like to be the first to welcome you to this awesome site. Any information or questions you need answered are only a couple of clicks away.

You're right every surgery is different and all recoveries are different. On average, from what I've been told (I'm still recovering myself) driving will be off limits for about 5 weeks. You should be able to go back to work, depending on what you do, in about 6-8. Good luck with everything and I'll talk with you later.
Hello Bob, and welcome aboard.

I drove again at 6 weeks. I returned to work at 8 weeks. I probably could have also gone back to work at 6 weeks, now that I look back on it, but I had some complications early on and the docs wanted me to be sure.

Your mileage may & probably will, vary.
Hi Bob!
Welcome to this wonderful site. I started driving again at 6 weeks post op. I could have gone back to work at 6 weeks post op but waited until 8 weeks post op. I felt a lot more like myself by 8 weeks. Everyone is different when it comes to recovery. The waiting for the surgery seems to be the hardest part. You will do just fine with your surgery. I had my surgery at Cleveland Clinic also. My doc was Dr. Svenson. He is an aorta specialist. If you have any questions or just need to vent, please do so. Someone here is always ready to help.

Take Care & Happy Holidays!
Hi Bob! I had a mitral valve repair two years ago and I'm doing great now! I didn't get to drive until 8 weeks.... I had a few complications and my surgeon was very cautious.

I'll keep my fingers, toes, eyes, etc. crossed for you in hopes that your surgeon will be able to repair the valve!

Take care,
Hi Bob and welcome,your'e at the right place.
I drove after four weeks but it was VERY uncomfortable.
Back to work? Well that depends on what you do,if it is physical then the wait may be a little longer.
I would say as the others did that 6-8 weeks is about normal.
My doctor said that it takes about 10 weeks for the chest to heal and wouldn't let me do anything physical until then.
Hey we know how you feel waiting for that day but don't let that stop you from enjoying the holidays with your family.
return to work

return to work

I don't know how long you're going to have to wait before you drive a car again but i was back to work in 5 weeks. (i more or less have a desk job with some walking). I was a bit tired the first week or so when i returned. I had my second open heart surgery in September and sometime in November i went back to going to the gym.
Good luck with your surgery.
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the warm welcome and the thoughtful words. Yes, it is hard to count the days down, but I have been swept off my feet with the all of the warm wishes and helpful suggestions. When I have time, I will try and reply to each of you. Thanks Again, and Merry Christmas.
Hi Bob

I had the Ross Procedure to replace a bad aortic valve. I was driving at about 5 weeks and back to work at 6 weeks. I'm an attorney so I didn't have much physical stress at work, but it was tough mentally to get back in it, thanks to the old by-pass pump.

Good luck with your surgery.
Merry Christmas and best wishes for a HEALTHY 2003!
Hey Bob, Welcome to the site. You will find all the support you need here. Im waiting on a mitral valve replacement scheduled Jan 3 at Duke. Mine will be minimally invasive. Is yours? I had mitral valve repair last year and it just didnt work out so here we go again. I was driving at 4 weeks and started a new job working for the university school of medicine that my doctor works at 6 weeks post op. I hope you will do fine and have a quick recovery. They expect me to be in hospital for 5 days. How long do they predict for you to stay?
Hi Bob, Welcome to the group. Lots of factors will influence your recovery speed. I've been fortunate to have a good recovery from my mitral valve repair and double bypass 4 months ago. I was cleared for driving at 4 weeks and back to work at 6. No problem at all with the driving. Initially I found work very fatiguing. I'm a university prof, so it isn't physical work; just the body needing more of it's energy to heal I think.

Here's hoping you too have a good recovery. Happy holidays.

-- roy --
Hi Bob - Welcome to the group. My surgery was also done by Dr. Cosgrove, he is one of the best in the business. Mine was a mitral valve repair with an Aortic replacement. It was done on Jan 10, 2001. Good luck with the surgery, you are in good hands.
Counting The Days

Counting The Days

Thanks for all of the great info. I leave for Cleveland in 5 days and Mitral valve repair on Jan. 20th. I've always been healthy, and very active. Then one day, instead of being the one who always helps others, to the one that needs the help has been a tough thing for me to grasp.

It's funny how the emotions go from fear at the beginning, to anger for having to deal with it. And towards the end of the wait, to total resolve to get through it.

I also hadn't planned on the effect it had on family members. My kids have been great. But my wife is having quite alot of trouble working through it. Even though all of the financial matters are in order. I know she's more scared than I.

I sure tip my hat to those of you that have had to do this more than once. And I appreciate the help from you that have already been through it, and for sharing it with those of us that are still on the journey.

Sometimes the best friendships are with people you don't really know.


I hear the cleveland clinic is the best,

The waiting is the hardest, but your almost there, I was given a week, it was a blessing, since I hate to wait.

It's helped me a lot coming to this site unfortunately I didn't find it till after surgery, but they've been helping me with questions/answer ever since, some smart well informed posters here.

Good luck with surgery,

Hi Bob

The Cleveland Clinic is a great place to be if you have to have surgery. I was there for my first surgery in 1995. I had an aortic aneursym that ruptured just as they got me on the helipad there.

I've been meaning to reply to you, but somehow forgot about it until now. Duh. You'll do fine. The way you describe the cycle up to surgery is right on Q too. If your wife needs anything, get her on here. Perhaps she can post on your behalf while your at the Clinic?

I'll be thinking and praying for a speedy recovery when it's over with for you.:)
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Hi Bob,

I had my MV repair and single by-pass 9wks ago tomorrow. I just went back to work this week (I teach preschool) and though I've been a little extra tired I feel great! You will do well and make it through your surgery with flying colors! :D And you have all of us pulling for you and lifting up our many prayers on your behalf! Take care and try not to worry. The waiting before the surgery is always the hardest part.....just hang in there!;)



I won't know until I get to Cleveland for Dr. Cosgrove to decide which proceedure will be best. I live in CA so it will be the first time he will actually examine me. Up til this time he has only got to look at stress echos that my Cardio in CA has done. I sure hope so!!

Thanks for asking. Bob