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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2006
Lake Havasu City, AZ
I'm expanding my horizons soon. On Friday starting at 7:40, I'll be particpating in a 12 person 180 mile relay. It starts in Logan, UT and ends in Park City, UT. I'm the first runner. Each runner runs three legs of varying distances. Mine are 5.1, 8.5 and 4.8. I'm running with eleven people I've never met. I'm a flatlander (AZ, 450 ft) and this is pretty much at altitude. The start is at 4500 ft. My second leg starts at 6300 ft, climbs to 6600 ft over the first mile then drops to 4800 ft over the next 7.5 miles....I love the downhills. My last leg is 6450 to 6500 ft, should be easy. The race ends at 6691 ft. I've heard this is the most fun you can have with racing shorts on. I'm about to find out. On the downside I'm suffering with a return of plantar fasciitis so it may be a little painful and slow.
Sounds like a great run, I'm not up to those distances yet, good luck! Let us know how you do with the elevation.
Bugchucker, I noticed you are from Reno. I'm going to be there for a conference Sept 11 & 12. I think I'm getting there on the 10th and leaving on the 13th. As time gets closer and I have a better feel for my schedule, perhaps we can meet. Also just noticed, other than the size, we have the same valve....Heart Valve Brothers!!! (LOL).
Exercise at Altitude

Exercise at Altitude

Hi Kodi,

Sounds like a fun event and the altitude thing should be interesting.

My unofficial cycling coach (one of my employees who qualified for the US Olympic Cycling Trials twice) tells me that there are two methods for competing at altitude if you are coming from a low altitude location. The first is to spend about a week at the elevation you'll be competing at to give your body a chance to adjust. The second is to arrive at the elevation that you'll be competing at, compete immediately, and go home before your body realizes it needs to adjust. I don't personally know is either of these methods work since I live at altitude and exercise regularly at altitudes between 7,000' and 14,000'.

The area in Utah you'll be running in is pretty. Enjoy yourself.

Philip, I heard or read the same thing about altitude. I think it was run/bike or whatever within 24 hours and that's exactly what I'll be doing, at least in my first leg.
I used to live in the SLC area and you're right about it being beautiful, even the white stuff that accumlates in the winter has an appeal to someone who is comfortable at 90º or more.:D
New Adventure

New Adventure


Whip this event and you can start training for an easy trail run. Leadville, Colorado, hosts a series of trail runs and mtn bike races during the summer. Check them out at . They refer to these events as the Race Across the Sky.

I'm thinking about entering the 50 mile mtn bike race in July. It might be kinda fun to be the first guy with an artificial heart valve to finish the race.

The wonderful thing about PF, or is it the worst thing, whatever, it only hurts at the very start and long after you run not during. Starting the third leg will be the toughest but once you get going, maybe a half mile into it you should do OK. The next day you will have to pay the piper in spades.
Philip, I'm not too good at trail running. I have a SI joint issue and the uneven surfaces really aggravates it. I'd consider a 50K, a 50 miler maybe, but never a 100. Besides age is creeping up on me way too fast.
Jack & Jeff, My PF is only part of the problem. In December I had a fracture in my left heel. It wasn't extremely bad but worse than a stress fracture. I was in a walking boot for 6 or 7 weeks and it was complicated by the PF. When my podiatrist said it was okay to start running I didn't do it the right way, nice and easy. I had two 10Ks and two half marathons scheduled so jumped right into the training. It flared up again in both areas and now I'm living with the consequences. My podiatrist (a personal friend) really doesn't want me doing this but knows me too well. Aleve helps, socks with some extra padding while running works too. I ran four miles yesterday and six today. It isn't painful, just aggravating and I know it's there. I will ice it and wrap it after each of my legs. If it gets too bad, I'll get one of the other runners to sub in for me.
Here is the URL for this craziness.There are eleven events nationwide.
Kodi, I've always wanted to do one of these....someday! Maybe our next meet up with other cardiac athletes could be one of these relays!
Kodi, I've always wanted to do one of these....someday! Maybe our next meet up with other cardiac athletes could be one of these relays!
Tom, I posted the URL for this in one of the emails about the Wineglass Marathon and mentioned the same thing.
I will be posting a report about the event in the next couple of days.