New arrhythmia treatment

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Giving it a try - Mid September

Giving it a try - Mid September

Hi Nadi,
I am scheduled to have the Cryo-ablation shown in the article somewhere around mid September. That's when the new equipment (Gulp!) is to show up at the Hospital. Don't know if it's the brightest thing to do, as far as being a trail blazer for this process, but on the other hand an SVT (rapid heartbeat) can sure ruin your day.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

hi icarus!
what hospital are you having it done at?
where in queens do you live? i used to live in jamaica estates on wexford terrace.
i also worked in flushing (roosevelt ave. _ not the greatest neighborhood).
let us know how the cryo-ablation goes, please.
take care, sylvia
I too, suffer from bad arrhythmias. This seems very interesting and I will definately be researching and like to hear others opinions.

Icarus, Another one from Queens!!! Yeah! We're getting on the map of I was also curious of where you'll be having this procedure done. Wishing you all the best. Let us know how everything goes.
Cryoablation - Who, When, Where, How

Cryoablation - Who, When, Where, How

Hi to all you Queens People,

I moved to Belle Harbor (love the Beach) about 5 years ago. Soon after that, Bang - Open Heart/Mitral Valve replacement. I was relatively fine for the first year and then the Drs. suggested an Angiogram to check some things out. All was fine but soon after that I developed PVCs and SVTs.
I have already had 1 ElectroPhysiology study but the EP said the problem might be too near the valve to do anything.
I recently got an article from my brother in Tampa where they were performing the new CryoAblations on quite a few patients with great success. Reading that, I went to a Dr. Steven Evans (on Union Turnpike) who is an EP. He did not do my first Electro Mapping, but I used him as a second opinion for NOT getting a pacemaker. He said the pacemaker was unwarranted and after talking to him, got the confidence that he knew an awful lot about arrythmias.
I recently revisited him because the SVTs are getting out of hand and asked about a Cryo job and it turned out that he was on the CryoAblation committee for the last 5 years and is now getting set to do them in New York. The Hospital is Beth Isreal and they are getting the new Cryo equipment in during the middle of September.
He said that the bad pathways might very well be near the new valve but the freezing/unfreezing method is a lot surer and safer than RF ablation.
If you're thinking about it, I can recommend talking to him.
Icarus (Rich)
hi rich!
does_by some small chance_ dr. paul stelzer work on that team as well?
last i spoke to him (he's joey's surgeon), he was performing ablations there.
he's great!
thanks for all the info, and if you don't mind, would you keep us up to date on all this?
sounds very promising.
good luck!
Hi Sylvia,

You can almost bet that Dr. Evans know Dr. Stelzer if they both do Ablations at Beth Isreal. I have an appointment with Dr. Evans before the Cryo-Ablation, I'll ask him.

I'll let you know how it all went as soon as it's done.

hi rich!
i wish you the best of luck with this... please let us know how it goes.
if successful, joey may want to look into it too. he is trying to wean himself
off his amiodarone and is on a tiny dose at this point, but each time he eliminates it altogether,
he gets flutters and has gone into a-fib.
all the best, sylvia