Nervous about TEE test from new member

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, my name is Debbie. I'm 29 years old and have lifelong heart problems, beginning with a heart attack at birth. I have MVP and my cardiologists have monitored my valve for years. At my last check-up in December 2004, my cardiologist expressed concern over my mitral valve. According to the ultrasound, my valve is working at 55%. He then said he wanted me to have a TEE test in March. I was supposed to have the test yesterday, but the hospital canceled. Now I will be having the test done on April 7. From what I remember my doctor saying, he wants to use the TEE test to get a closer look at how my valve is malfunctioning, and he's mentioned surgery. He says he doesn't really want to do surgery yet since I'm still young, but he doesn't want to wait too long either and run the risk of my valve failing completely. Either way, the prospect makes me nervous. If anyone has had a TEE test, maybe you could share your experience and whether or not that resulted in a valve replacement.
Hello and welcome aboard

The TEE is often the deciding test as to whether the valve needs attention now or can wait. It all depends on what is seen during the test. As a rule, Cardiologists like to wait too long and often heart damage results because of it. Surgeons generally want in there before anything happens. All I can tell you is to wait and see what the results are. :)
I think that a majority of us that have had heart surgery have had TEE's done. The docs will drug you to the point that you are almost asleep but not quite. It is a bit yucky, but certainly nothing to panic over or to fear. Make sure that you have someone to take you home afterwards because you will likely be a bit groggy for a while after the test. I recall actually seeing the screen that the docs were using to look at my valve, and the TEE does give them a remarkable picture of the heart in action.
Hi Debbie, and welcome!
I like to think of the doctors using a range of tests: they begin with the least invasive tests, but these also give the least information; then, if warranted, they advance to the more invasive tests.
An echo is not invasive, but the information the test provides is not tremendously accurate. A TEE is more accurate, but also more invasive, but still no problem.
In my case, they went right from an ordinary echo to a catheterization, and then scheduled surgery three days later; I waited a bit long to get help. The catheterization (angiogram) is more accurate than the other tests, but also more invasive. Most accurate of all, unfortunately, is surgery itself, which is rather invasive.
The TEE should be no problem at all.
Hi Debbie,

I just had one two months ago. The worst part is the taste of the paste they give you to numb your throat. After that, you won't even realize what they are doing. Thanks to the anesthetic they will give you through your iv, it will be over before you even knew they started. Expect a bit of a sore throat afterward for a day or two.

Like you, I have surgery looming in my immediate future.

Joe's had several TEEs. Just tell them you want to be as numb and out of it as possible. You'll do fine, and it will show what the real score is. Please let us know how it goes.
I haven't had one, but my husband has had two TEEs. Whatever they gave him knocked him out so that he did not care at all what they did to him! And it was a fairly easy wake-up too. Sort of like when you have a colonoscopy. You don't remember anything happening at all. It'll be fine! It needs to be done.
debster913 said:
Hi, my name is Debbie. I'm 29 years old and have lifelong heart problems, beginning with a heart attack at birth. I have MVP and my cardiologists have monitored my valve for years. At my last check-up in December 2004, my cardiologist expressed concern over my mitral valve. According to the ultrasound, my valve is working at 55%. He then said he wanted me to have a TEE test in March. I was supposed to have the test yesterday, but the hospital canceled. Now I will be having the test done on April 7. From what I remember my doctor saying, he wants to use the TEE test to get a closer look at how my valve is malfunctioning, and he's mentioned surgery. He says he doesn't really want to do surgery yet since I'm still young, but he doesn't want to wait too long either and run the risk of my valve failing completely. Either way, the prospect makes me nervous. If anyone has had a TEE test, maybe you could share your experience and whether or not that resulted in a valve replacement.
Hi Debbie, My, you are so young to have such heart problems. It sounds as though your cardiologist is keeping a close check on your condition. Two years ago I had my mitral valve repaired and recently was told that the repair is wearing out and I may need a replacement. My family also was told that I would need a TEE done within 6 months. (I was still woozy after a heart cath) So, I'm not sure what a TEE test is, but you've come to right place to find out. This forum is filled with supportive friends. Hope you do well. When you have your test done, will you please post an update to let us know how you are and how the procedure went? We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers!!


Thanks to all of you who posted replies to my question. I am so glad I've found a place for support with people who are "in the same boat" as me. I will definitely keep you all updated. After my TEE April 7, I will see Dr. V (my cardio) on the 25th for a follow-up visit and let you know how that goes, too.
Thanks again! :cool:
Hi Debbie,

My husband's valve has been followed regularly for the last five years. He's 42-yrs old. His cardiologist ordered a TEE in December, which confirmed that he needed surgery. He's been told not to wait. So, we are in the process of selecting a surgeon.

My husband didn't have any problems or pain associated with his TEE. They do it under anesthesia so you won't even remember it. We had our results the same day so hopefully you'll know very soon. I hope you don't need surgery but if you do we'll all be here to support you.


No, Shugoll did my Tee in 2202 after my stroke. Dr. Schoen is my cardiologist and he put in my pacepaker in Oct.I love Dr. Schoen when I had my stroke in 2002 he was at by bedside everyday for three weeks. None of the others Dr. came to see me. He is a real great guy.
Dr. Shugoll had Dr. Schoen come by one day to check my heart rate, He had Dr. Sadlo do the TEE and Shugoll did the cath and Dr. Pagni at Jewish was the Surgeron. I still check with Shugoll for my protime and heart stuff. I only say Schoen that one day......
As everyone already said.. not a big deal. I just had my first last Wednesday. I was awake most of the time. I don't remember swallowing the tube. I do remember watching most of the procedure on the monitor. Kind of interesting I suppose. The stuff to numb your throat is very gross! They called mine, "Banana Nasty!" Hopefully you will sleep through most of it! If not, its not a big deal at all! Good luck!
I had my surgery at Norton's by Dr. Pollock. He left Dr.Grey group and started his own at Basptist Hop. He was supposed to do the repair but changed his mind at the last minute along with a Dr. Mattuews. After seeing two surgeons and five cardiologists. Dr. Denny form In got on the phone with the insurance told them I was going to CC and they was paying the bill. My oldest daughter is a Rn and work with yrs. ago at Cark Co Hosp.